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Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 10:50
by kendall_smith
Well, between my messed up hands that are preventing me from doing most of what I normally enjoy doing and Old Man Winter's abrupt arrival this morning, it looks like it might be a perfect time to visit all of the area motorcycle dealers and check out what they have for 2013. I have all next week off since the company I work for is closing down completely and I'm going to need some excuses to leave the house.
So far, I'm planning on picking a day next week that all of the area dealers would be open and might just have to visit a few of, if not all of the dealers on my list below.
Freedom Cycles- absolutely huge showroom with most of what a moto-guy might want to look at. After our TARKC meeting a few weeks ago, I swore I'd return to kick some tires.
Reno's- might be nice to go check out some Ducatis in person since I haven't seen any since Letko stopped selling them.
Advantage Powersports- As far as I know, they are owned by the same people as Freedom. Is there anything to see at Advantage that I can't see at Freedom?
Donnell's- The TR650 thread reminded me that I should go check one out in person.
Engle's- The last time I stopped in there, they were remodeling the whole building. I told myself I'd go back when they were done and I never made it. I think that was 3 years ago! I'd say a visit is overdue.
Do any of you guys have anything to add/remove from that list? I'm open to anything that sounds like it might be a fun thing to add to a motorcycle themed day of cheap (free?- as long as I don't buy anything!) fun.
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 11:05
by troy
Sounds like fun, although I want a full report when you return including how many of the sales guys didn't want to give you the time of day. I don't know if it's reverse psychology or what, but I think I could be holding $20K in cash and they would still treat me bad.
Shawnee Cylce Plaza is in your hood, but you know that. Nothing you can't see at Freedom. I agree, Freedom's showroom was amazing. I want to go back and browse through their apparently large selection of jackets and other gear, too.
I always enjoy browsing through the selection of gear at Motorcycle Closeouts store up in Smithville. It used to be a regular visit for me when I lived up that way.
If I had any time off, I'd love to join you and include a BBQ lunch along the way. A couple of dudes spending the day shopping. Kinda gay I know...not that there's anything wrong with that.

Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 11:26
by kendall_smith
I really LOL'd at that one!!
I'm not sure what day we'll (I'm sure Alissa will be with me) do this deal, but I'll post up on here and if anyone wants to join us, we could work something out. Good idea on the BBQ lunch as well!
As for your suggestions, Shawnee Cycle Plaza probably won't have anything that Freedom won't. I was planning on Freedom covering my need to see bikes from several manufacturers since they carry so many. I make it into Motorcycle Closeouts fairly regularly too, although I'm probably due for a trip there too.
So based on my list in my first post, I should be able to see bikes from Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Yamaha, Ducati, Aprilia, Husqvarna, BMW, and Triumph. I think that covers most of what I might be interested in seeing.
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 11:36
by troy
If you can fit it in, go to Letko and do a short demo ride on a Zero electric motorcycle. It's a
unique experience that I enjoyed a lot.
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 12:11
by stimmer6253472
I was at Freedom the other day and noticed that they will begin selling KTM street bikes starting in Feb. I wonder what that will do to Letko?? They already lost Ducati to Reno's and it can't be good that they will not be the only KTM street dealer in KC now. Sucks because even though I just live just a few miles from Freedom I much prefer Letko's. No offense to any Freedom employees who may be members on this site. It is just I have been going to Letko ever since I had my old Husky CR500 in back in the early 90's and Jim L spent hours one day xeroxing a owners manual for me (pre internet days) from their one copy.
Has anyone ever asked Letko about this?
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 13:14
by kendall_smith
stimmer6253472 wrote:I was at Freedom the other day and noticed that they will begin selling KTM street bikes starting in Feb. I wonder what that will do to Letko?? They already lost Ducati to Reno's and it can't be good that they will not be the only KTM street dealer in KC now. Sucks because even though I just live just a few miles from Freedom I much prefer Letko's. No offense to any Freedom employees who may be members on this site. It is just I have been going to Letko ever since I had my old Husky CR500 in back in the early 90's and Jim L spent hours one day xeroxing a owners manual for me (pre internet days) from their one copy.
Has anyone ever asked Letko about this?
That's a good question. I didn't include Letko on my list since I live about 3 miles from there and literally pass their store on my way home from work everyday. I might have to drop in and see what's new there one of these days.
I don't have anything against Letko (I bought my 08 KTM 200 from them and it was a great experience), but ever since the shuffling around they've done with personnel and their inventory line-up, I've done all my KTM-related business at Cyclezone in Topeka. I stopped in there on a whim one day when I was in Topeka and Mike and Chandler treated me so well that I ended up buying my 350 from them, not to mention all of my parts and I had them do my first valve check on my new bike. I even made the comment to Chandler that I wish they sold more brands of bikes since they were so good to deal with and he told me that they could at least get whatever parts I needed for ALL my bikes since they are a Parts Unlimited dealer. So now I do all my shopping either online or with Cyclezone, regardless of whether it is for my KTM or not.
So I guess what I'm saying is that Letko didn't necessarily do anything wrong, but some of the changes they made coupled with the great treatment I got from Cyclezone made switching to them an easy decision. That being said, if I had any KTM street business, I would definitely take it to Letko since Cyclezone only does the dirtbike side of things.
It will be interesting to see what happens in the future. I hate seeing businesses suffer and ultimately close, so I hope for the best for Letko in the future.
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 13:45
by ajayhawkfan
kendall_smith wrote:
Engle's- The last time I stopped in there, they were remodeling the whole building. I told myself I'd go back when they were done and I never made it. I think that was 3 years ago! I'd say a visit is overdue.
Engle's remodeled again this past fall. They are increasing their lines of gear as well.
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 15:02
by kendall_smith
Even better then! I can't believe I missed a whole remodeling! Looking forward to checking it out.
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 26 Dec 2012 14:53
by kendall_smith
I think tomorrow is going to be the big day. I have an appointment in the morning that should be over with by around 10:00 at the latest. I just looked at google maps and decided that the best order to visit the dealers in was Reno's, Freedom, Donnell's, and then Engle's. That should allow us to do a big counter-clockwise loop of the metro area throughout the day and end up near I-70 in the afternoon where we'll head west to drop in at Cyclezone and finally on to my father-in-law's for a belated Christmas dinner.
Sounds like a decent way to make a cold winter day go by a bit faster. I'll do my best to keep my wish list in check while looking at all those shiny new toys!

Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 26 Dec 2012 19:41
by Savage
Take some pics (and post'm) of the good rides.
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 26 Dec 2012 21:18
by katbeanz
troy wrote:
I always enjoy browsing through the selection of gear at Motorcycle Closeouts store up in Smithville. It used to be a regular visit for me when I lived up that way.
If I had any time off, I'd love to join you and include a BBQ lunch along the way.
If going to MC Closeouts the Mexican restaurant Castizo's is really good.
Rideforum member RickinMo invited me to join him there soon after they opened.

Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 09:16
by Rusty Jug
Dean is that place opened on Sundays?
MC Closeouts
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 09:28
by troy
Rusty Jug wrote:Dean is that place opened on Sundays?
MC Closeouts
Motorcycle Closeouts is not open Sun or Mon--just like moto dealers.
Store Hours
Tuesday thru Friday – 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Saturday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Sunday and Monday - Closed
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 09:35
by Rusty Jug

I see they are closed Dec. 30 to the 1st just when I was going that way!
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 05 Jan 2013 16:38
by Savage
Any of you guys been to Cycle Gear? I'm wondering about their Bilt gear?
Re: Xmas break motorcycle field trip
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 21:45
by jasbaum
I've been out there many times, and have purchased quite a few items from them, but none of it was "Bilt" branded. I tend to be skeptical of a brand that no one else carries, and whose prices seem too good to be true.
But it's cool that they're open 7 days a week, and are open later every day than just about everyone else.
And they are great about returns. Unlike Motorcycle Closeouts, you actually get your money back rather than store credit.
When I still had my Versys, I went to a few of their "Bike Nights". They stay open later, serve dogs, burgers, and drinks, and you can meet some friendly fellow riders. The first time I went, I ran into some guys that I had met at Kawasaki's 2011 Demo Ride weekend in Independence.
Haven't been there lately. It's a long haul from Blue Springs to Lenexa, and I tend to only head that way when I have something else to do or buy on that side of town.