So far, I'm planning on picking a day next week that all of the area dealers would be open and might just have to visit a few of, if not all of the dealers on my list below.
Freedom Cycles- absolutely huge showroom with most of what a moto-guy might want to look at. After our TARKC meeting a few weeks ago, I swore I'd return to kick some tires.
Reno's- might be nice to go check out some Ducatis in person since I haven't seen any since Letko stopped selling them.
Advantage Powersports- As far as I know, they are owned by the same people as Freedom. Is there anything to see at Advantage that I can't see at Freedom?
Donnell's- The TR650 thread reminded me that I should go check one out in person.
Engle's- The last time I stopped in there, they were remodeling the whole building. I told myself I'd go back when they were done and I never made it. I think that was 3 years ago! I'd say a visit is overdue.

Do any of you guys have anything to add/remove from that list? I'm open to anything that sounds like it might be a fun thing to add to a motorcycle themed day of cheap (free?- as long as I don't buy anything!) fun.