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Hatfield McCoy!
Posted: 10 Apr 2007 21:30
by MoRidin
Well, the 200 is loaded up and I am ready to head for the mountains of West Virginia. I will try and snap some pics of the trails. There is a bit of everything here...have not been in five years, but folks say it has only gotten better.
Details are here:
Basically, over 1000 miles of marked trails now on a million+ acres. Amazing!
Will post a ride report when I get back.
Posted: 11 Apr 2007 17:17
by Hayden
Ohhh I have always wanted to do this one. Are you going to race or just ride? Next time take me with ya!!
Posted: 11 Apr 2007 18:15
by MoRidin
Just riding! I have an extra rail open...if you can play hookie at work and be in STL by 1200...bring it!
The riding area should have 2000 miles of trails when completed and they are pretty close. The place is just amazing. Will snap some pics.
The cool thin about the place is they have greens for 650 style bikes and orange for, ehh, 125's. There is something for everyone.
Posted: 12 Apr 2007 21:38
by troy
Mo, you gotta report back about this trail system. I watched the preview videos--great stuff! I added a link in our Links section.
Re: Hatfield McCoy!
Posted: 26 Dec 2007 15:47
by troy
Sean, you left us hanging on this one! So when you get back from deployment, catch up with the family, work, and life, you can get back to your responsibilities here!
I found this article and review and found it interesting. Good photos, too. ... index.html
Daryl, you'll appreciate this quote from the article:
In fact, one of the climbs was almost a half-mile long and steep enough that any halt in forward progress made it nearly impossible to restart. A tricky section over a tree root in the middle of that hill stopped most of our crew, and getting to the top of that hill entailed 45 minutes of grunting, sweating, and pushing. Well, for most of the crew. My new Husqvarna TE450 climbed the hill effortlessly, giving me the unusual experience of being the first guy at the top and the only one to clean the section. I'm still savoring that little moment!
At about a 15 hour drive from Kansas City, I don't know when I'll ever make it to the Hatfield & McCoy system...considering the Rocky Mountains are closer. I suppose when they close all the trails in the Rockies...

Re: Hatfield McCoy!
Posted: 26 Dec 2007 19:19
by ajayhawkfan
That area around Man, WV is beautiful. I have been there quite a few times over the last 5 year. I enjoy the scenery every time I am there. Last time there I took a number of back roads to my meeting and thought how great it would be on a bike. Riding the back roads and the trails would give someone all the riding they could ever want.
I have driven to WV a few times. The front range of the Rockies is closer but if you are going to western CO it is about the same distance.