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Tire. Is it trash?
Posted: 09 Nov 2012 08:17
by Foster
So, I was helping my brother (FosterBum, aka Chris) change a tire last night. I use the word "helping" a bit liberally though. He got the tire on the first time only to find he had pinched the tube. I stepped in to "help" at this point. So, we got the tire almost on but used a crappy iron and it folded the bead up a little in one spot. We talked and thought if we kept going that it would sort itself out on the next push on the tire irons. It did not. We should have backed up. We got the tire on. Only after a loud pop and a very small tear in the lip of the bead. No metal was exposed but we KNOW we tore it just a little. He elected to air it up and ride it home anyway. Is the tire trash. I am betting the answer is yes, but I am hoping that a bunch of you will tell me I am being ridiculous and that if the tire seats he should still use it.
Thanks for the advice here gentleman. In future we will apply more tire lube, have a heater blowing on the tire, and take our time rather than get in a hurry. For the record he was using the old setup and NOT my no mar. The old set up looks like:
That is an old car wheel covered on one edge with garden hose.

It did work though. Most of the time.
Re: Tire. Is it trash?
Posted: 09 Nov 2012 09:16
by troy
Keep in mind that if you were to ask a mechanic shop or tire manufacturer, the answer will of course be "yes, the tire is trash". Their primary concern is CYA. It's like asking a doctor on the phone if you should come in to have a rash checked out. They risk nothing to tell you "yes", but if they tell you "no" and the rash ends up a flesh-eating bacteria, well they might get sued out of business.
What would I personally do? Ride it. You'll wear it out fast enough anyway. Sure--check it out visually before hopping on the bike in the morning, but I'd ride it. PS: If you sue me, you'll only get $38.17. Everything else is protected in my estate.
All too often I hear, "I pinched the tube". I'm not sure what everyone is doing wrong, but I used to pinch tubes until it was explained to me--DO NOT SCREW THE VALVE STEM NUT DOWN until everything is done and the tire is aired up. While spooning the tire on, you want the valve stem nut BARELY on--just a turn or 2 to keep the valve core from falling into the wheel.
The other tips I offer, and keep in mind I'm an idiot....
If it's a new tube (completely flat and stuck together), before putting it in, air it up a bit, then let the air out. This allows the tube to take on a bit of a shape that will fall back into the tire while spooning the tire on. Once I get the tire on, I usually air up the tube just slightly, then let the air out, then air it up normally. This gives the tube an extra chance to work out any kinks or folds that might cause problems if aired up to full pressure.
Re: Tire. Is it trash?
Posted: 09 Nov 2012 13:56
by Foster
Thanks Troy! You are the third person to give me the "ride it" advice. I look forward to my 38.17! Shoot that is a whole new tube and a meal at Sonic! I love me a good cherry limeade slush!
Seriously though, thanks for the advice. It is peace of mind for us when multiple people, with more experience, give us the same advice.

Re: Tire. Is it trash?
Posted: 09 Nov 2012 20:48
by g1shadow
If it holds air ride it until it dont .. thats my 2 cents
Re: Tire. Is it trash?
Posted: 11 Nov 2012 00:39
by Foster
No longer an issue. It was flat when he went out this morning. I think the bead year must have exposed metal and punched the tube. Thanks for the help though anyway guys.
Re: Tire. Is it trash?
Posted: 12 Nov 2012 06:31
by safiri
My bet is the tire is fine. You will know when you take it off to patch the tube. Look for exposed wires. Note the location of the tube before you remove it, remove it, find the leak, ascertain why ... I patch tubes, both for my mc and my bicycles. If for no other reasons: I am frugal AND I want to be able to do it when I am out in the woods and the supply of tubes has been exhausted. I have never had a patch fail on my motos or bikes after being tested good (in other words, you will know if the patch is good).
Re: Tire. Is it trash?
Posted: 12 Nov 2012 07:48
by troy
I second what safiri said. I doubt you ripped the bead on the tire so bad that it's not usable, but when you remove the tire, you should be able to ascertain if the tire damage was related to the hole in the tube. I also second that I'm not afraid of patches--not sure why some folks are. If the patch worked the first 10 minutes after the repair, it was always good for life...until the tube failed for some other reason.
I patched a tube Sat night actually--a coworker is visiting from London with his wife and 2 small children. His nice pram has pneumatic tires and he got a flat pushing the kids around the Plaza. I rushed in with a couple of flat-head screwdrivers, a patch kit, and my air pump to save the day. I left my cape at home. He told me this morning it's still holding, so job well done.