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Wife's First Bike/ my trail bike...
Posted: 04 Oct 2012 16:17
by Foster
So, my wife is talking about getting her first bike. I am very excited. So, I have looked around online and I know what exists but not necessarily would be a good starter bike. She is NOT about going fast. She just wants it to move and not pitch her off...much...

So, I am thinking a Honda 150 or something similar. Cheap, easy, readily available. I am hoping that maybe whatever I get her could double as a trail bike for me though and here is where things get a bit more complicated. Maybe a 250 Yamaha geared for the particular rider? Any suggestions of a light, fast "enough", nimble trail bike that might make us both happy? Think cheap(ish) gentlemen. Neither of us need anything orange...yet...
Thanks for the suggestions!
Re: Wife's First Bike/ my trail bike...
Posted: 04 Oct 2012 18:49
by Savage
I don't know your size but it will be tough to keep you both happy. She won't want any height or power and you'll want more power and much better syspension. I'd buy cheap/old and get'r out and see how long it lasts. Low, weak bike to get her confidence up. Like an XR200
Re: Wife's First Bike/ my trail bike...
Posted: 05 Oct 2012 13:17
by stimmer6253472
I started my wife out on a '02 KDX 200. Easy bike to ride and dirt cheap. Thing is she is 5'10" or 11". So maybe not ideal for someone shorter. If she is tall enough I think it would be the perfect bike for two as I didn't mind riding it as well when for some reason the 300 wasn't available.
Re: Wife's First Bike/ my trail bike...
Posted: 05 Oct 2012 23:06
by Rusty Jug
I have a 2004 ttr230 for $ 1,100 that my wife uses as a saddle stand if your interested! lol
Just PM me
Re: Wife's First Bike/ my trail bike...
Posted: 06 Oct 2012 10:42
by Savage
that'd be a good ride for a wifey as well
Re: Wife's First Bike/ my trail bike...
Posted: 07 Oct 2012 07:13
by Foster
I am out of town right now but let me talk to my wife when I get home. In the mean time can you pm details/photos for me? Thanks for all the suggestions guys.
Re: Wife's First Bike/ my trail bike...
Posted: 09 Oct 2012 13:46
by troy
Nick, I had never heard of the DR-Z250, but check this out. Looks like a near perfect trail bike for the wife. And at only $1,700 for what is supposedly a good as new bike.
Re: Wife's First Bike/ my trail bike...
Posted: 09 Oct 2012 14:29
by Foster
Thanks Troy! I will add that to the list of bikes I am currently looking into. I also found a crf 230 in Independence that looks pretty good.