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Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 30 Aug 2012 11:14
by troy
Thanks to all of you, RideForum.NET is a successful community of folks who enjoy adventure/dualsport/trail motorcycle riding.
Here is a dead-simple way you can help me keep the forum going strong! Next time you need farkles, parts, gear, tools, tires, etc. for your bike, just
click one of the company link images at the bottom of this page.
These are great moto supply companies that I personally use. In fact, I just placed orders at Rocky Mountain and Motosport last week. Look for more companies to be added at the bottom of the page as my affiliate programs get approved.
The way it works is when you use one of the links below, they set a cookie in your browser that identifies me as the affiliate. You don't have to purchase right away--even if you take a few days building your cart, close your browser, go back 2 days later (whatever), as long as you use the same browser and have not cleared your cookies, I'll get the commission on your purchase. The small amount I receive will be used to pay the costs associated with running a web server, domain name fees, etc.
Note that you can use the Amazon link below to buy just about ANYTHING--not just moto-related items.
So PLEASE, all I ask is that you use these links to start your shopping session on these sites.

Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 30 Aug 2012 15:46
by Savage
But I don't like cookies in my trowsers.
I just noticed those ads right before I clicked on this thread. Cool. Just don't go crazy like frickin TTalk.

Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 30 Aug 2012 16:19
by troy
I don't think anyone hates ads more than I do. Those images at the bottom could be construed as ads, but really, they are convenient links to community-appropriate stores, and using them helps the community. Is that a good spin?!
Seriously...I'm interested in feedback. Notice I put them at the bottom below the fold. Notice they are relatively small. If enough folks are bothered by them, I could make them simple text links instead of the images. Text links would look less like advertising.
I use the site a lot, so I'll notice if they are annoying. I'm not trying to tell folks where to shop, but if you are going to use one of those stores anyway, please use the RideForum affiliate links.
By the way, if any of you like to manage your moto stores in organized bookmarks, here are URLs you can use to replace your bookmarks for these stores (more to come):
Code: Select all
Rocky Mountain
Code: Select all
Motorcycle Superstore
Code: Select all
Bike Bandit
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
I know some of those URLs look wonky. It's because many of these stores use 3rd party services to manage their affiliate programs.
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 30 Aug 2012 23:18
by ajayhawkfan
Your diabolical plan is coming into vision.
Get us addicted to and then get rich on our clicks.
You are one conniving SOB.
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 07:49
by troy
I wanted to give you guys an update now that I'm 3 months in on my fantastic plan to monetize RideForum.NET. In the 3 months since I added the associate program links to the bottom of the site, I've earned exactly.....let me count this up......

The cool thing is that running this site is easy, very low-cost (sub $10/mo), and brings me a lot of joy. I don't want a million dollars. I want a million friends. ...and it would be nice if each of them sent me a dollar.

Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 08:03
by Savage
Whats your paypal addy? I'll send you a dollhair.
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 08:26
by troy
Savage wrote:Whats your paypal addy? I'll send you a dollhair.
Let the doll hairs fly!
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 13:23
by troy
Thanks, Savage!
Paypal wrote:Transaction ID: 59V8287121447203D
Dear Troy Wolf,
Just thought you'd like to know Quinton Dodds sent you $1.00 USD.
999,999 to go!
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 13:42
by Scott_B
Not sure if it's the way my browser is configured (Chrome), but I don't see any vendor links at the bottom of this or any other page on RideForum.
However, I did create bookmarks as instructed in your later post. Christmas shopping is still in full swing, so I should be able to throw some traffic that way.
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 14:09
by troy
SHB1129 wrote:Not sure if it's the way my browser is configured (Chrome), but I don't see any vendor links at the bottom of this or any other page on RideForum.
However, I did create bookmarks as instructed in your later post. Christmas shopping is still in full swing, so I should be able to throw some traffic that way.
I do know that the various ad-blocker browser plug-ins are effective at blocking the affiliate links on Rideforum and everywhere else. So perhaps you have one of those plugin's installed. Those plugins allow you to set exclusions so the "ads" show on specific sites you allow. Honestly, if you don't want to see these links, feel free to block them. Actually, I'd prefer the feedback that you don't want to see them. They aren't making me rich anyway!
Here is a screenshot of the site with the store images at the bottom.

Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 14:41
by Scott_B
Thanks for the tutorial, Troy! You were correct to suspect an ad-blocker add-on running. After tweaking the settings to allow ads on, I was able to get the links to show (minus the graphics on all but Amazon - odd). However, the links still work fine.
As for feedback:
As long as the ads stay at the bottom of the page and don't impede my ability to read and respond to posts, it's nice to have quick access to sites that I would normally go to anyway for prices, to check sales, etc.
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 19:21
by Rusty Jug
I use bike bandit a lot! But I'm 99% on taptalk! Grr so I forget, about those! I'll try to do better or come see me and your BBQ is on the house!

Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 04 Dec 2012 21:28
by bird man
Thanks for bringing this back to the top. I knew nothing about it and hadn't even noticed the little boxes (ad/links) at the bottom of the pages.They are kinda cute down there.

I will try to remember to use them next time I order something. Will tell the wife about the Amazon link and get her to use it she is always ordering things.
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 10:04
by troy
Rusty Jug wrote:I use bike bandit a lot! But I'm 99% on taptalk! Grr so I forget, about those! I'll try to do better or come see me and your BBQ is on the house!

Free BBQ is a deal! And for that, I'll continue to allow you to use the awesome RideForum.NET for FREE!

Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 10:07
by troy
AUGUST 2013 UPDATE: If I'm reading my CommissionJunction account report correctly, I believe I've accrued about $95.00 in commissions, but payout does not happen until I reach $100. So...
UNFORTUNATELY, thanks to new pending Internet tax laws and how KS plans to react, many affiliate programs have cancelled their KS affiliates. This means, for example, that Rocky Mountain cancelled me.

I've left the links on the site because they don't hurt anything, but using them may or may not help me depending on which affiliate programs are still active.
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 29 Aug 2013 20:47
by Creekside
Crap I was just getting ready to order a set of tires from rockymtn from here like you said.
Re: Buy Stuff = Support RideForum
Posted: 07 Sep 2013 16:12
by Stu
The state of Kansas is more interested in what they can get and they don't care what happens to you and your potential income. As of the last accounting (KC Star) Kansas tax collections are down over 17% through August. Must be because the wealthy that got all the tax breaks created so many new jobs and industries in Kansas...yea, right. Perhaps Gov. Perry can leave Missouri and come to Kansas and poach a few industries for Texas and help us out here in Kansas.