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Wet Wild Wonderful West Virginia
Posted: 01 Sep 2011 22:46
by ajayhawkfan
I'm in Charleston, WV. I have a meeting in the morning and then I'm riding. Going to head NE tomorrow. I have no set plans but will be visiting a number of historic places (Harpers Ferry, civil war battlefields, etc.) If interested you can follow me on my Spot. ... jE7BvI9uVB
Re: Wet Wild Wonderful West Virginia
Posted: 02 Sep 2011 09:54
by troy
Way cool, Eddie! Enjoy the adventure! I'll be checking the SPOT.

Wet Wild Wonderful West Virginia
Posted: 05 Sep 2011 17:40
by ajayhawkfan
Rain today and lots more in the forecast.
I'm in Gettysburg so it could be worse.
Re: Wet Wild Wonderful West Virginia
Posted: 05 Sep 2011 22:03
by ajayhawkfan
It has been hot and humid. Now it is turning to rain. Rain is predicted every day for a week. I guess I'll be getting wet.
I'm enjoying the the history a lot. Here are a few pictures:
This is a monument to John Brown at Harpers Ferry, WV.
Burnside Bridge at the Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam). The most important battle of the War of Northern Aggression.
The last few days I have been in Gettysburg.
I have been to all of these places before. I still can't describing the feeling that comes over me while walking these blood stained fields of battle. The beautify of the monuments is 180 degrees from the reality of what happened there.
Re: Wet Wild Wonderful West Virginia
Posted: 07 Sep 2011 22:01
by ajayhawkfan
The weather for the last few days can be described in one word, BAD. Yesterday ranged from light rain to raining so hard frogs were in rain-suits. Today I'm along the Skyline Drive and the beginning of the Blue Ridge Parkway. People tell me the views are wonderful. I would not know. It was so foggy I had trouble seeing my front tire at time.
Re: Wet Wild Wonderful West Virginia
Posted: 14 Sep 2011 19:54
by ajayhawkfan
I'm back. I did not do as much gravel and dirt as I wanted but I did some everyday. I covered 2300 miles and did gravel in 10 states (WV, VA, MD, PA, NC, SC, GA, TN, KY and OH). I even did the dragon at Deal's Gap.
My favorite road was a gravel/dirt road through Smokey Mountain National Park. The road ended in the middle of Deal's Gap.
Re: Wet Wild Wonderful West Virginia
Posted: 16 Sep 2011 11:42
by ajayhawkfan
I visited Harper's Ferry, Antietam Battlefield, Gettysburg Battlefield as well as numerous other smaller battlefields. I also rode the Blue Ridge Parkway, explored the Shenandoah National Park as well as the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. I saw a lot of historic places, battlefields and beautiful country. I got rained on,
attacked by a pit bull, dealt with fog and a small electrical issue with my bike. It was a great trip!
Here are a few pictures:
Kanawa Falls, WV
Monument at Antietam National Battlefield
Fog along Blue Ridge Parkway
Even saw a bear
A Tenn. Valley Authority Dam
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Tree of Shame, I added nothing to the tree
Typical road I traveled
If you have an interest here is a link to a YouTube video I put together.
If you are interested in where the pictures were taken and a description of some of the historic buildings and monuments you can find that here. ... rginiaTrip