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what a dumb shit
Posted: 18 Nov 2010 18:10
by david h
In the last 40 years I have cut and split more than 200 cords of wood, not bragging just talking. Today something happened which has never happened to me before. Here I was sitting on a stump next to my splitter running the controls while my helper did most of the work

. We were splitting Burr Oak which is a wood that cracks with a real nice pop as it splits. Usually in very straight pieces with sharp edges. While splitting a 14 " or so piece it just exploded in half with one piece going away from me about 6 foot from where it was and the other piece only went about a foot cause my shin stopped it. It caught my attention pretty damn quick

and I thought I would be in for a big bruise and a very sore leg tomorrow. Then upon inspection I saw my white sock was red as was the bottom of of jeans leg. I did what any handy man should do and took a peak It was not a good site. I then put a compression band aid on it made up of my jeans and about 3 foot of duct tape. I had the thought that Red Green would be very proud of me

. His quote goes something like this " If the girls don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy"
After spending 471 $ at my doctors office I now have 9 new stitches. And the price of my free firewood just went up.
ATGATT Next week when I try this again I will have a set of shin guards on, David H
Re: what a dumb shit
Posted: 18 Nov 2010 21:05
by safiri
I split firewood, too, but I am only working on my second year. Maybe 2 cords so far. I'll keep this in mind.
I feel your pain ... I teach chemistry and insist on protective eyewear for me and the students. Whether I prepping a lab w/o students or supervising students in a lab. So over the years what have I gotten in my eyes (all at home):
Carb cleaner: dang carb passages sometimes make u-turns. That stung.
Wood chips: chainsawing.
Metal shavings: almost. That stopped me cold. I like to see.
So I buy 12 packs of safety glasses for $22 at Sam's Club and treat them as the disposable items they are.
So the common thread to your story and mine for those that might have missed it: We often wear protective gear for activities viewed as dangerous (motorcyling, for instance) but not others that are often just as dangerous or that can have just as serious consequences.
Considering your experience, I'm thinking motocross boots might be a good thing to wear. And sit/stand behind the splitter, not beside it!
Hope you heal up quickly and can make your AR pilgrimmage.
Re: what a dumb shit
Posted: 20 Nov 2010 06:34
by katbeanz
Re: what a dumb shit
Posted: 20 Nov 2010 07:11
by david h
Mike and Dean thanks for the kind words. My leg is good enough to go for a ride today to see some Kansas Ghost towns down by Garnet. Hope to see some of you there.
Dean the tree I was working on was just short of 4 feet in dia. . It had 130 rings give or take. some were big (wet year) some were very small (drought).I think about 200 years is their limit, but what the hell do I know? Anyone who gets hurt by a tree probably shouldn't be listened to
David H
Re: what a dumb shit
Posted: 20 Nov 2010 22:42
by bird man
I have had many close calls with fire wood just as you described but none requiring a red Green bandaid. Red Green would have been proud.