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Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 08 Oct 2013 20:01
by Rusty Jug
Don't tell me it's crap talk!!

This is what my link shows!
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 07:24
by troy
Rusty Jug wrote:Don't tell me it's crap talk!!

This is what my link shows!
RJ, What
exactly are you doing and on
what device? Feel free to email or call if you want to take this offline.
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 07:33
by troy
Enjoyed the OK Joe's last night and the company. Rachel (my daughter) was a little bored, but you guys are like that.
I updated the 1st post with the current rider list. IF YOU ARE COMING AND NOT ON THE LIST, PLEASE let us know that you are coming.
At this point, I'm planning to tell Terry "no takers" for the zipline. If you had your heart set on it, just let me know. I can tell you it's a very good zipline!
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 16:10
by gagnaou
Looking forward to hear how it went. Until this morning I was hoping to be able to join, but plans came to a halt when it ended up becoming obvious that titling the bike was going to take significantly more doing than expected... Oh well there will be another time! I downloaded the tracks !
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 16:54
by HanesAnizer
gagnaou wrote:Looking forward to hear how it went. Until this morning I was hoping to be able to join, but plans came to a halt when it ended up becoming obvious that titling the bike was going to take significantly more doing than expected... Oh well there will be another time! I downloaded the tracks !
Titling or tagging? You should be fine on a bill of sale for 30 days.
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 19:28
by Rusty Jug
Ok, bike packed and tire changing gear packed. Oh yes and boots are packed!
Now back to my crap talk when I look at map to the fort this is what I get,

So I hope that is right, if I remember when I went to Kansas to ride it gave me wrong directions. So I think I'm doomed on my crap talk and iPhone!
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 19:46
by troy
Rusty Jug wrote:So I hope that is right, if I remember when I went to Kansas to ride it gave me wrong directions. So I think I'm doomed on my crap talk and iPhone!
I assume it has nothing to do with Tapatalk. When you are in the forum and you click a gmap link, your phone opens the Google Map app and loads the URL. It looks like your phone is showing you to go further South than you should. Once you turn off Hwy 16 onto Hwy 23, you are less than 1 mile from the Fort Rock Family Camp driveway. It is more like 1/2 mile I think. Again, the driveway will be on your right. Drive slow--there are not many places to turn around if you miss it...especially if pulling a trailer.
Another tip...if it helps. When you see a nice looking, small log home just off the highway on your left with a huge smoker that looks like a train engine, your destination is just a tiny bit farther on the right.
See you all soon.
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 20:22
by ajayhawkfan
troy wrote:
Another tip...a huge smoker that looks like a train engine, your destination is just a tiny bit farther on the right.
See you all soon.
Now you are talking his language.
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 21:15
by Rusty Jug
Now you mention the smoker! It's all clear now!

Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 09 Oct 2013 21:17
by troy
ALL WHO ARE RIDING, PLEASE PM (or email) me your mobile number as well as the name and number of an emergency contact. I will compile these on a tiny piece of paper for my wallet and give a few copies out to other riders.
Sucks when a dude is dead and you have no idea who to call.
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 12 Oct 2013 07:25
by troy
Wow! What a day we had on Fri. 9 hours to go 75 miles and no breakdowns or real issues. 12 riders took part in the abuse! Great dinner last night, comfortable beds, and a nice drizzle this morning. You smell that? Yeah, that's life baby! Breathe it in!
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 12 Oct 2013 13:22
by Rusty Jug
That was a great ride on Friday!!
I'm not for sure if my butt, knees and back could of handled today!

But I sure wish I could have found out!!
Hope you guys had safe and trouble free ride!
Will look forward to next time!!
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 13 Oct 2013 18:24
by rycomm
Wow, what a great weekend. I would like to thank everyone for helping keep me and the wide load drz in the proper orientation. We made it home safely and without incident. I think I took at least 200 pictures, but haven't had a chance to see if they are any good. I'll post some soon. If anyone has any shots or videos of the napping drz feel free to keep those to yourself, or not.
Thanks again,
Update: I was able to upload the pics from two cameras. 378 images. Many blurry, of a ditch, sky or whatever, but still need to sort through them. I only had time for a quick look. Just got called into work for a 12 hr shift. That's not going to be fun. Whoo hoo!
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 14 Oct 2013 08:02
by troy

10 riders and machines survived 3 days of brutal torture in the unforgiving terrain of the Arkansas Ozarks.
I have several videos of riders and bikes getting thrown to the ground, but I suppose nobody wants to see those.

Another great Tarkansas ride!
Posted: 14 Oct 2013 09:05
by jasbaum
Well, that was yet another great Tarkansas ride.
Great trails, great weather (this time), great food (as always), and great friends (several new).
My pics, such as they are (iPhone 4 is not a great camera -- or phone, for that matter), are posted on
Haven't started looking on Craigslist for a Husaberg 570. Yet.
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 14 Oct 2013 09:11
by MoRidin
Thanks Troy for the legwork...was just a superb ride all around. Hotel, food, routes, WEATHER - all surpassed my expectations! Most importantly, however, met some great riders and am sure we will do this again.
I am fortunate to have the day off to recover and clean up. My bike is still loaded as I have a leisurely cup of Joe at 9!
Looking forward to TARKC 14!
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 14 Oct 2013 10:04
by earlevet
Awesome ride on Friday with a great group! Can not wait to see and hear about the events on Saturday and Sunday!
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 14 Oct 2013 20:03
by HanesAnizer
What a phenomenal 3 days! Really enjoyed meeting everyone and look forward to the next ride.
Randy/Troy - Thank you very much for organizing the location, routes, etc. Fantastic job and much appreciated!
James - good luck in your find one, you must purchase.
I sadly only took one photo....Zen Master T Wolf preparing for the next gnarly trail.

Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 14 Oct 2013 23:03
by earlevet
please Master Zen T Wolf show me all your video and pictures of bikes on the ground and in the air if possible sir!?
Re: Fall TARkansas ride
Posted: 15 Oct 2013 10:31
by bonanzasteve
I had a great time riding with everyone this weekend and meeting some new folks!
Hopefully the vine that sliced my nose won't leave me with a permanent scar as a souvenir from the trip.
Click here to see some pictures and video.