I just made my Friday night motel reservation. You all need to do the same.
Oxford Inn
(479) 667-1131
One person in room: $59
Two people in room: $65
They are out of King non-smoking rooms, so I have 2 beds in my room. If one of you wants to save a few bucks and stay in my room, I promise not to go gay on you. I mean, I might peak in on you during your shower, but that's harmless. Seriously, I'm fine sharing a room, so whatever. (Don't believe what Eddie tells you!)
For Sat night in Clarksville, we'll wing it when we get there. Randy confirms we'll have no problem finding rooms.
Other minor details some folks have asked about...
No need to pack lunch on the bike. We have lunch stops planned. HOWEVER, I recommend you pack trail bars or your favorite, trail-worthy snack for quick energy. A bike problem can make us several hours late for lunch. It's all part of "adventure"!
Hydrate! I think most of you plan to bring a camelbak drink system. I highly recommend this so you can #1 carry lots of water, and #2, drink on the go. With the miles and trails we'll be riding, we may not stop as often or sit as long at stops.
I will carry a 1 liter bottle of fuel. This gives some extra range for someone needing it (probably me). We'll also be able to use it to transfer fuel if needed. The routes and gas stops are planned in an effort to not run anyone out of fuel, but remember, this is "adventure"!
I already know that 3 of us will have tubes, tire irons, inflation....so those of you with less bike luggage, please don't worry about these items--we've got you covered. Some of you can even leave your toolkit at home if you want--we'll have several sets anyway including bolt kits, safety wire, zip-ties, metal putty, etc. (James, I think you said you don't have a lot of luggage space configured for your DRZ..and I know you can't spend any time this week prepping, so no worries, brother!) Of course, if your bike requires special tools to remove a wheel, etc, bring those tools.
Since there will be several DRZs on the ride, it would be great if one of you guys could carry a spare clutch, brake, and even shifter lever. These can be ride-stoppers. Steve or I should have room to throw your extra lever in our bags if necessary. (Don't rush out and next-day order these, but if you have spares at home, bring them.)
Randy & I plan to carry our tow-ropes. (NOT that we'll need them!

A couple of small items I recommend, and some of you can back me up on these, bring chapstick and a bandana. In my day-to-day life, I don't use chapstick, but on these rides, my lips get really chapped. Having the stick along is the difference between comfort and annoying discomfort. A bandana is great for cooling off or cleaning up as we take breaks along creeks.
Don't forget your dinner jackets and fancy shoes for the reception Sat night. JUST KIDDING!