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Posted: 18 Feb 2007 19:14
by Hank Moody
I'm offically in!

I have completed all of the winter maintenance taks on my list except for setting my SAG. My wife has agreed to assist and will be holding the tape measure!

See you tomorrow, I hope several members will be able to join the ride.
Posted: 18 Feb 2007 21:03
by Hayden
Just as long as you get that sag set at home and I dont have to do it on the next trail ride
A short 130 miles for me today through Sumner Co. A bit muddy in places. When Im by myself I hit grave yards I pass to see if I can find my oldest date on a stone. Only got back to 1808 today. JH Lehman. 1808 to 1896. Found one small grave site that was mostly kids and infants. 3 families and all the kids passed away between infant and 12 years old. Lots of 5 and 6 year olds. All passing around 1900 to 1926. A bit odd I thought.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 10:25
by troy
katbeanz wrote:I volunteer for bike recovery duty but hope you won't need it, have fun, Dean 816-668-8516
I can meet you guys for lunch since the brickhouse is only a few blocks from my house, just need to have a time +/- an hour.
Hey, Dean! Too bad you can't ride...join us for lunch at about noon. Kevin Ware plans to join for lunch, too. Thanks for the being on recovery duty! HOPEFULLY nobody will need you!
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 13:31
by Shawnj
Sitting here at my desk seething. Picturing you guys out there having a blast. Hopefully you'll post pics.
Going straight home tonight and starting on my winter maintenance that I have since put off. Looking forward to that river road ride this season.
Hope you guys are having a blast.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 17:03
by ajayhawkfan
I enjoyed meeting everyone. I hope your ride went well.
I need to put a lot more miles on my bike before I try the icy-muddy gravel roads. I don't have enough confidence in my skills at this point so I had to leave. You still would be waiting for me somewhere however I'll keep at it and see you again.
Thanks again for the hospitality.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 17:42
by troy
Eddie, it was really nice to meet you, too! I met 3 new riding friends today--that's a good day.
Eddie, probably good idea that you split off...cause it did not really get any "better" than when you left! Here is one tasty morsel:
I'll get more pics loaded later tonight or tomorrow. What a great day to ride. The wind was rough early on, but it just got better. 7 people showed up in the Vineyard parking lot and we had 9 for lunch at the Brick Yard! Good eats, too. We found some good roads and a LOT of pigs. Miles of them. I mean the livestock kind...not Harleys. For the most parts, the roads were just wet and a little soft---not hard to ride at all--unless you were on a BIG bike. One road, though, was high and unprotected on one side allowing snow to blow and build up on it. The snow was over 18" deep IN THE ROAD in places. Obviously no vehicles had been down this road. Our new friend, Caleb (Motoracer13) blazed a trail through the snow for us to follow!
I trust everyone made it home safe.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 18:55
by tim
yep that was fun. Nice to meet some of the guys that hang out here and get to twist the throttle a little too! lets do it agin some time, or even meet up for a woods ride. I *might* be going to Chadwick this weekend.. just in case anybody is interested.
Troy, pls post up some more pics as soon as you can! Did you get any piglet shots?
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 19:14
by ajayhawkfan
I would have been in trouble there!
After I left I ended up taking secondary roads to STJ, Atchison to Weston to Parkville and back home. It was a beautiful day to be out.
I know I have to get more miles under my belt but I felt the tire I had made made it even harder on me. What type of tires would people recommend for me?
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 19:38
by Hank Moody
I agree a great day to ride and it was fun meeting new riding friends! Eddie the GS would have had a real hard time with these roads no matter who was riding it.
I did a quick search on the 1200 GS and I came across this one it looks very complete
For tire selection I wouldn't suggest a full on knobbies but something more in line with the gravel roads. I know XR-Nut has either a 1100 or 1200 and I believe he has some more agressive tires on his. You might want to send him a PM and I'm sure Joe will point you in the right direction.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 19:47
by ajayhawkfan
Thanks for the website and advice on the tires. I agree, I don't need major knobbies but sometime that will bite in gravel roads. I will drop Joe a note to find out what he would recommend.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 20:15
by JaySoy
I'm not sure what the adventure has stock, but a lot of folks like Conti TKC-80's for off road duty. Plus they are supposed to be pretty good on the road too.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 20:43
by Kware
Another great ride Troy. Like so many other rides, this one will have to be done again on a dryer day. It was good to see old friends and meet some new ones.
Hope to see you all again soon.
Posted: 19 Feb 2007 20:48
by tim
ajayhawkfan wrote:something that will bite in gravel roads.
Terrorflex !!

Posted: 19 Feb 2007 21:23
by safiri
great route you came up with. A bit of pucker factor every time I crossed slush / ice waiting to feel what exactly my tires were on. I have never ridden through snow before!
To all riders,
great company today. Looking forward to riding with you all again.
I knew it!
Posted: 20 Feb 2007 08:26
by carlrf
I knew I should have canceled that darn doctor appointment. I was sitting in a traffic jam on the Paseo bridge due to a wreck while you guys were out having fun.
I saw one of you go buy my house on Conistor on your way home!
I can see I am going to need more aggressive tires if I am going to keep up with you guys!
Re: I knew it!
Posted: 20 Feb 2007 08:46
by tp_cracker
carlrf wrote:I knew I should have canceled that darn doctor appointment. I was sitting in a traffic jam on the Paseo bridge due to a wreck while you guys were out having fun.
I saw one of you go buy my house on Conistor on your way home!
I can see I am going to need more aggressive tires if I am going to keep up with you guys!
If you live on Conistor, you are probably less than a mile from my house. I live in the old part of Canterbury. Next time Troy has a ride, we'll have to hook up and ride over to kansASS city together. Of course it would have to be when the rest of the world is off work though. Oh and none of my kids have games going on, well, after thinking, maybe you may be riding there alone. LOL
Posted: 20 Feb 2007 10:05
by troy
(My home router is having issues today and needs to be rebooted I if you have trouble getting the photos to load, my apologies. Please try again after about 5PM this evening.)
Posted: 20 Feb 2007 16:33
by Motoracer13
Hey all I just wanted to say thanks. I had a flippin blast. I so needed that mentally it aint even funny. My wrist was alittle sore afterwards but it wasnt anthing a couple of vicodin didnt take care of that night.
Hey TP what streat are you on? Im in Canterbury on Dunwich. My house is between Essex and Baker with my house backing up to the walking trail.
Well again THANKYOU evryone I had a great time, for those of you who missed it, Damn it was fun!!
Posted: 20 Feb 2007 18:14
by Kware
Was this, "Troy's First Annual Presidents Day Ride???????????
Posted: 20 Feb 2007 18:57
by katbeanz
Nice pictures Troy, good to see you and Kevin again and it was nice to meet the guys.