Dudeeveryone come and bring your dualsports and if you get to going around the track faster than you like on the d/s i will let you ride my cr! lets ride!!

See you Sat.
Dudeeveryone come and bring your dualsports and if you get to going around the track faster than you like on the d/s i will let you ride my cr! lets ride!!
AWESOME D! that would allow you some time to roll the 510 around the track, if you want.........see ya then!Hank Moody wrote:Hey Joe,
I think I have the moon and stars alined and I can make it on Sunday,but not Saturday. That is if I don't get deployed to the hurricane relief efforts again! I was planning on leaving Parkville at 0700 and hope to arrive at your place around 0900. Is this okay with you?
Daryl, the competition on Sunday at the Nebraska riding area starts at 11am. So we'd be leaving Joe's no later than 10:30 I'd guess.Hank Moody wrote:...arrive at your place around 0900.
Sorry KC, its an hour away! I hope there is NO carnage! His team is 0-3, so a win would be awful nice. Im heading out this a.m. in a few minutes to go p/u the new toy!!!!!! See ya all,KC wrote:
Joe: if
slimtrader wrote:Props to Kyle, I've never seen that much sky under a DRZ before! Were the landings harsh?
Thanks, Joe! I just want to make sure nobody interprets this incorrectly!Joe is not saying that I exhibited better skills on the track than Kyle. In fact, Kyle was a lot more confident and skilled on the track than me. However, based on where I started when I got there, I really made some progress and overcame some major fears. I do feel I am a better ride for it.xr-nut wrote:troy made the biggest gains in ability and confidence.