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School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 27 Aug 2008 18:03
by MacWildcat
One trip and I have the fever. My brother-in-law is coming into town this weekend and I'm planning to take him out to School Creek Sunday. Should be another muggy day so we will probably try to get there in the morning. If anyone else might be riding there let me know so we can watch for you. Had a awesome time last that I got my shot to clear up the poison ivy, I'll feel even better!
Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 27 Aug 2008 22:04
by safiri
So did you get some poison ivy? I haven't had any issues yet. Haven't heard about any from Troy or Brian either.
I agree that School Creek is awesome.
Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 27 Aug 2008 22:06
by troy
I did not get any poison ivy but for some reason the morning after camping my butt hurt and it stings when I pee ever since.
Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 27 Aug 2008 22:24
by safiri
troy wrote:I did not get any poison ivy but for some reason the morning after camping my butt hurt and it stings when I pee ever since.
And you were in your tent alone ... perhaps you brought this little disease with.

Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 27 Aug 2008 22:28
by MacWildcat
Yeah, not sure if the poison ivy came from Milford or from our dog. My wife took the dog for a walk Thursday night and commented that she had wandered into the poison ivy. Troy - did you dream about banjo music?
Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 28 Aug 2008 06:23
by KC
MacWildcat Wrote:
Yeah, not sure if the poison ivy came from Milford or from our dog.
Yeah, I understand, we are not sure if Troy's little problem came from Milford or from our dog as well.

Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 28 Aug 2008 06:32
by troy
KC is right! That night of camping was a howling good time!
I've got family plans and duties this entire weekend, so I'm out for riding School Creek on 8/31. Have fun!
Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 28 Aug 2008 06:53
by KC
Sorry Bro, but You set yourself up and Larry left the door Wide Open!
I remember someone commenting last year on how they didn't want to ride Milford in the summer because of all the poison ivy. I think if one stayed on the trail and kept all his clothes on, one would be alright! Wish I could come up and ride this weekend (for longer than 5 minutes) but I am on call for work and haven't fixed the DRZ yet. I'll make it up there again soon.
Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 28 Aug 2008 17:14
by Hayden
KC wrote:MacWildcat Wrote:
Yeah, not sure if the poison ivy came from Milford or from our dog.
Yeah, I understand, we are not sure if Troy's little problem came from Milford or from our dog as well.

OHHHH SNAP!!! LOL Dam I about fell out of my chair. Thats funny.
Re: School Creek - Milford 8/31
Posted: 28 Aug 2008 18:38
by Hank Moody
Note to self; no camping with Troy