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Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 15:50
by rxcrider
Mike - Your 250 can come even if you can't - right?
BTW the ride you missed was 2 years ago. Time must fly when I miss a season.
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 16:22
by Mike Wowk
Oh CRAP... As quick as I was "IN" I am back "OUT"... I have a trade show to do the weekend of the 4/5
And NO SMART A$$... My 250 won't be going without me.... I don't want to 2nd mortgage my house to fix it

Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 16:40
by Nobiman
Man this thing is coming together fast! I keep forgetting to check this thread, I've just got to get used to checking yet "another motorcycle" website everyday!

Its cool though cause this one has "all" of my riding buddies on it. All of the prices sound really good to me, thats one heck of a good time for a very reasonable price IMO. I hope the Ohio contengent shows up in full force too. Its you guys turn for a long trip anyway, that drive to W.V. from Okieland last spring was a biotch but well worth it for sure. So load up, tag team the steering wheel position and lets ride!
Sean, so which '08 KTM are ya getting? I know your not gonna jump ship over to the big H !
Looking forward to it, Randy.
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 16:47
by Nobiman
Mike Wowk wrote:Oh CRAP... As quick as I was "IN" I am back "OUT"... I have a trade show to do the weekend of the 4/5
And NO SMART A$$... My 250 won't be going without me.... I don't want to 2nd mortgage my house to fix it

Yer gonna keep up this "no show" bit and someday yer gonna be to old to ride. You can go to trade shows when yer 80.
Kidding of course, a guys gotta make living for sure.
Sandy says that she's mad at'cha for getting her hopes up though
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 17:48
by Stu
It was unfortunate that I missed last year as well, but then I did promise the wife that ....
Jeb takes new motorcycles apart? I'll bet he doesn't do it in his living room the way I do. What about that, Jeb?
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 18:06
by MoRidin
Mike Wowk wrote:Oh CRAP... As quick as I was "IN" I am back "OUT"... I have a trade show to do the weekend of the 4/5
And NO SMART A$$... My 250 won't be going without me.... I don't want to 2nd mortgage my house to fix it

You have got to be kidding me! No way to skip this one (as in skipping work)??
Send your 250 along...I am sure Jonathon will take good care of it (reflecting back to Jonathon's bike completely flipped upside down on the trail...).
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 18:48
by Mike Wowk
Send your 250 along...I am sure Jonathon will take good care of it (reflecting back to Jonathon's bike completely flipped upside down on the trail
Yes I've seen his work first hand....

Didn't take him long to KNOCK THE NEW off his poor ol' RXC on our last ride
No way I can do it at this time. I have these shows to do every year. In the past they have always been the 2nd and 3rd weekends in March. This year they moved them back to 4th weekend of March and 1st weekend of April.

Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 20:14
by devro
Hey, I'd like to go!
Jim Devereux here from London, Arkansas (1hr 10 minutes from Byrd's).
I was just days ago introduced to this forum by Troy who I "met" on the AOCA web page.
I've been recreating in the Cass area for maybe 30 years. I don't know too much about any of the country west of Cass but I know it pretty well to the east.
I'd like to go and ride and meet all you guys and gals.
I can also guide a group if guides are needed. I like "tougher" stuff when it comes to trails and like to make miles. I also know a bit of the history of the area (I know more of the history in the Piney Creeks area to the east but enough in the Cass area to make a ride interesting).
It sounds to me like you guys know the Cass area pretty well and I'd like to tag along on a ride or two because I know there are trails out there I don't know of.
So, count me in. I'll probably camp, if there's no room at Mulberry Mountain then up on Morgan Mnt near the old Spanish mine. Probably show up on Friday (white F150 yellow DRZ)
Troy, Can't open file
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 21:15
by devro
I can't open this file with my garmin MapSource?
I get a window that tells me it's a gdb file and....won't let me in!
Can you help?
Re: Troy, Can't open file
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 21:34
by safiri
devro wrote:Troy,
I can't open this file with my garmin MapSource?
I get a window that tells me it's a gdb file and....won't let me in!
Can you help?
Try updating MapSource ... Here is a message Troy sent me a few weeks ago:
"Dave H and I are trading Ozarks route files. He sent me a track log and I could not open it because it used a "subsequent version of gdb". I had to apply an update and then it worked. This means that if you don't update, you won't be able to read my latest gdb files.
What I found most interesting was that the link Dave sent below showed the current version as v6.13.6. However, if within the Mapsource software, I used the Help menu to check for updates, if only found v6.13.4. So I guess do the 6.13.6 download from the website if you want it. That's what I did, and it worked fine. I already notice one new feature that may be handy...time will tell." ... jsp?id=209
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 12 Jan 2008 21:56
by Barclay
If you have room,I would like to get in on the April Fool,s ride.
David Barclay
Re: Troy, Can't open file
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 07:44
by katbeanz
devro wrote:Troy,
I can't open this file with my garmin MapSource?
I get a window that tells me it's a gdb file and....won't let me in!
Can you help?
Hi Jim, I can't help you with the gps file, but I'm glad to see you joined us.

You guys are in for a real treat if you ride with Devro, he knows where ALL the cool stuff is. You all have fun and play nice. Dean

Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 08:18
by troy
Glad you found us, and it would be a pleasure to have some local knowledge and experience along! Regarding the Garmin gdb file--what Safiri posted is exactly what I would have told you. Btw, that file is just my "personal" route file of the area. It's not the official route file for this ride. That will be shared later when finalized. Sean (MoRidin) is the route master and has put together another masterpiece for us to enjoy!
As long as you are not an asshole, you are welcome. We are a very exclusive group of riders--no assholes allowed.
Side note about that actually, we already have 2 different kinds of riders along for this adventure. We have one group that I know will probably run the trails as if it were a hare scramble. They'll be pushing each other fast and throwing the taunts. Another group will prefer to ride a bit slower and perhaps take a few more breathers. That is just fine! We'll have too many riders to hit the routes in one big group anyway.
Ohio Boys,
With Sean overseas, I took the reigns on getting the lodging arranged. I did not take into account people wanting to stay Wed night. I worked out a deal for 3 nights. It's early enough to tweak this, so why don't one of you guys, when you feel confident on your plans, email me to discuss. troy at troywolf dot com. If you want, you could just--on your own--book the Sears house or something. Or, I can call the lodge back and work to get more of their properties and perhaps work it out so that people staying 4 nights pay more than people staying 2 or 3. I just don't want to make it too complicated, but I think I can handle the math.
I hear you about "yet another motorcycle forum". I struggled with the decision to even start this forum, but it has been good for the local community in NE KS / Kansas City. As it is turning out, this thread may have been better run in KTMtalk, but when I started it, the only people I knew going were mostly on this forum already.
You not gonna join us, Dean?
Food & lodging options:
From the feedback I received, we want Option #1, Sean. Dinner catered Fri & Sat only. In the next week, I want to figure out if we need to adjust the lodging arrangement. There may be some changes, however, riders should not expect the per night cost to change much. I'll only arrange a 4th night option if I can make it so that not everybody has to pay for that 4th night because I know a mass majority are not going to use 4 nights. I think I can make something work with the lodge.
This is the most organized we've been this early in the game. I think Daryl was right--we are itchin' to ride from the winter blues! Looks like a few of us will have new (or new to us) rides this time.
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 09:36
by Barclay
Thanks for the invite. Not sure about he asshole thing, I have one but nobody other than my wife accuses me of being one. As for riding fast, I can but don't like to any more I am usualy the guy that rides in the back of the group and helps people up the hills.
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 10:11
by MoRidin
Barclay wrote:Troy,
Thanks for the invite. Not sure about he asshole thing, I have one but nobody other than my wife accuses me of being one. As for riding fast, I can but don't like to any more I am usualy the guy that rides in the back of the group and helps people up the hills.
If you like helping folsk up will love this ride! I can think of a couple hills that seemto cause a bit of trouble/carnage.
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 10:16
by Jeff620RXC
[quote="Mike Wowk"]Send your 250 along...I am sure Jonathon will take good care of it (reflecting back to Jonathon's bike completely flipped upside down on the trail
Yes I've seen his work first hand....

Didn't take him long to KNOCK THE NEW off his poor ol' RXC on our last ride
No way I can do it at this time. I have these shows to do every year. In the past they have always been the 2nd and 3rd weekends in March. This year they moved them back to 4th weekend of March and 1st weekend of April.

Hy Mike,
Instead of you going to the show and sending your bike with someone need to send someone else to the trade show and have some fun with us!
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 10:26
by Mike Wowk
Can't do it...Love to...Can't

One of the problems with being your own boss. Sometimes it's good.... Sometimes bad. I have always also wanted to do the Six Days of Michigan ride. But I am always in Dallas for work during that ride as well.
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 10:35
by Hayden
I'll probably camp, if there's no room at Mulberry Mountain then up on Morgan Mnt near the old Spanish mine. DEVRO
Hummm I think I need to know more about this!! Morgan Mnt, Old Spanish mine!! I always camp at White Rock. Many fond memories up there and Paula is just a sweet heart to talk to. BUT Im ready to try some other camping areas. Would like more details please.
Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 12:17
by safiri
Hayden wrote:I'll probably camp, if there's no room at Mulberry Mountain then up on Morgan Mnt near the old Spanish mine. DEVRO
Hummm I think I need to know more about this!! Morgan Mnt, Old Spanish mine!! I always camp at White Rock. Many fond memories up there and Paula is just a sweet heart to talk to. BUT Im ready to try some other camping areas. Would like more details please.
No, Tracy, you are NOT going to miss out on the fun at the lodge. Pony up your $100 you cheap bastage!

Re: April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!
Posted: 13 Jan 2008 16:44
by devro
Lets see, what do I address first?
Troy, I'll get that gbd file thing figured out when I get time. No time today I
had to go ride at Brock Creek today.
Thanks for the help on that.
Dean, you 'ol katbeans! I'll miss ya out there. I haven't heard from Terry, wonder if he's gonna make it?
Don't let Barclay fool ya, the guy is F A S T when he wants to be, tough as limestone and one of the best ridding buddies I've ever had.
His name is "disco". Disco and I laid out a pretty cool route from Fly Gap (hwy 23) to Haw Creek Falls (hwy 123). We rode the entire route for the first time a few weekends ago. Disco averaged 24.6 mph with bruised ribs!
That ride is A W E S O M E if anyone wants to go, I figure about 160 miles round trip from Mulberry Mountain. Lunch and gas at Oark (disco and I both vote Oark Cafe a better lunch stop than Catalpa - and if ya eat lunch at Oark you have time for it to settle by the time you get to Catalpa and you then have room for pie and coffee!)
You will need at least 80 miles on a tank of gas to do this ride, and about 9 hours if no one has any problems.
Morgan Mnt is the mountain across from Byrd's Adventure Center (sort of). I'm sure you guys have been on Morgan Mountain Road. There is nothing there but big flat spots to camp - they're deer camps. Probably 10 miles from Mulberry Mnt by road and 6 by trail. (be about 3 if the USFS didn't close the fun hill at Well Cave Hollow!)
The old Spanish mine is campfire fodder. It's there, or at least it
was until the USFS filled it in! The short trail to the mine is not for the feeble. You might need disco to push your bike back up the mountain to the trail if you fall off the trail like disco's ridding buddy did. You're going first next time disco!
I think that's it. Count me in for diner.
Oh, and there is an event clash. The River Valley Dirt Riders sponsored Arkansas Hare Scrambles Race is that weekend. I don't race any more but I've been loyal to the club for a bunch of years. Why are some things so difficult!
What are you going to do disco?