Reporting in as reqested !
Troy you can stick out your bottom lip now!
here are a few pics. ... ndFranklin
Get out your KDOT of Anderson and Franklin ! I don't have a GPS yet. So don't ask....
North from 100 and Vermont (Anderson) to 700 and Vermont.
700 west to Texas, then North to 800 back east to Vermont. (twistie hills!)
North on Vermont to 1500. (I stopped at Swank Park, see PICASA.)
East 1/2 mile, then north to 1600.
west to wallace road (another twisty hill!)
North on Wallace to black top.
West to Utah, then north to 2000. Ends in a nice twist.
East on 2000 to Wabaunsee, then north again.
Quick west then north twistie to Utah.
Follow Utah into Greeley.
Stop for a soda.
take 169 north for 3/4 mile then exist left onto black top
Turn north on Wabaunsee (for 1/2 mile).
******* Note ************
The min maint road across the rail tracks is a dead end. The loop on the map does not exist.
I circled from all angles. Warning! shooting zone.

The guys and kids had guns blazing all over the place. I stopped and talked to the nice gentlemen
From the rail tracks, take vermont north east and zig-zag until your heading due north.
This is the fun part. The next dead end (Vermont and Butler)

is a blast. I put one pic of my bike in the woods on PICASA! Without a GPS and buddies, I stayed on the main trail. There were side trails everywhere!
Once your done with this, back track to 2430 road and Vermont.
Go west on 2430 to Spencer Crossing. (Bridge on the map) I have a picture of a truck in the river. Need I say more!
After all that I just buzzed home....ran out of time.