NOT your grandfather's Safari ride. Brand new in 2022...
Four ride options:
* Two epic overnight 400+ mile cross-country dual sport challenge routes, "Pawnee Trail," starting in Phillipsburg, Ks., and "Gunsmoke Road" tracking from historic Dodge City, both bring you to our famous steak dinner and rider meet up Saturday night in Garnett. Wanna see 3/4 of Kansas and test your machine and your mettle? Routes delivered and confirmed in advance. Pick one, pack your bike for a 2-day ride, and let's roll.
* A Saturday guided day ride in Garnett, pretty much like we've always done it, for those looking for a little more casual approach to a Safari good time...
* The "All Roads" Ride... you leave from home, where ever that is, pick your own route and your own speed from point of origination to Safari Central on Saturday in time for you own thing... but you'll still have to accomplish a few "feats" on the way...
Dates are June 3-4, rain dates June 10-11. Your $85 registration helps our Lions Club with its eyesight-related service work for those in need. $100 after May 10. More details later.
Register online at: ... Safari2022
All NEW in '22...June 3-4 Kansas Dual Sport Safari- Garnett Ks
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 15 Mar 2021 17:12
Re: All NEW in '22...June 3-4 Kansas Dual Sport Safari- Garnett Ks
If it doesnt rain, Im in for the p-burg route~! Rain date is our carshow and since Im the prez of the club Im expected to be here!
Boys are you in?????

Boys are you in?????