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Wind farms around Goff and Wetmore

Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:57
by Creekside
There is alot of easy nice two track from St Mary's up to 9 highway and back on the reservations. Up around 9 you'll find these guys.

Re: Wind farms around Goff and Wetmore

Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:13
by troy
Seems folks are very divided over wind turbines. I wonder if the folks who don't want them in their backyard would prefer a coal mine in their backyard and the noise, dust, and traffic that goes with it? :-D

On my adventure last week, we rode by the "World's largest surface coal mine"--the Black Thunder Coal Mine in Wyoming. It is a MASSIVE hole! The skies had a dirty haze for 100 miles, and I have to assume that mine played a big part in that.

Not too far from there, while winding through ranch roads and crossing a dozen cattle guards, we got a kick out of this sign.


Re: Wind farms around Goff and Wetmore

Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:09
by Creekside
That's funny. Altough having hit a deer and about hit a cow in Colorado I appreciate the warning. :shock:

Re: Wind farms around Goff and Wetmore

Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:48
by troy
I appreciate the signs, too, but the cattle-guard is enough of a tip-off to me. The cow pies in the road are a pretty sure sign, too! :-D One thing I've learned is when you see a cow on one side of the road and a calf on the other, there is a 74.19% chance the calf will bolt across the road to be with mom at the last second. Expect it.