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SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 24 Jun 2017 10:37
by troy
Here is a little route I put together many years ago that turned out much better than I expected. Other than a few miles of pavement to get in and out of Leavenworth, the route you see is 95% gravel and dirt.
This is last minute, but Daryl & I are going to go ride in the PERFECT weather tomorrow. If you'd like to join us, here are some logistics you need to know.
OPTION #1: Meet at the Panera in Legends for a 9:45 kickstands up.
I plan to eat breakfast at the
Panera, so my white BMW F800GS will be parked close to the Panera in Legends.
1811 Village W Pkwy, Kansas City, KS 66111
We'll take old Hwy 5 up to Leavenworth.
OPTION #2: Meet at the Casey's General Store in Leavenworth for kickstands up at 10:30.
950 Eisenhower Rd, Leavenworth, KS 66048
Don't ask about gas stops or when we'll be finished. I don't know, and I don't care.

The pace will probably be "leisurely".
Plans can change, so it is recommended you check back in this thread before departure.
Re: SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 24 Jun 2017 18:40
by troy
Attached the "LeavenworthWest.gpx" planned track file for those interested. Note the GPX track is slightly different than the picture in the first post. The loop is just under 70 miles. It is just over 20 miles from Legends to the start of the loop.
Re: SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 26 Jun 2017 10:44
by troy
Daryl & I had a great ride!
This little 65 mile loop W of Leavenworth really has a lot of great bits that make for a very nice KS dualsport route. It includes several min maintenance sections as wells as water crossings and tons of twisty--even some nice twisty paved bits.
Sign of good things to come!
1/2 mile past the sign above, we came to this:
Daryl crossing video --
Click this picture to watch
One of the nice water crossings.
Old bridge on min maint section
The last bit of minimum maintenance we hit had a lot of standing water and ruts.
Daryl diving into the unknown....well actually it was known since he watched me go through this. --
Click this picture to watch
We also really enjoyed running up hwy 5 to get to Leavenworth! It is a really great road. A trio of older Porsches was running the road, too. We pulled over to let them roar past.
After the dualsport loop, we ate a late lunch at
The Depot. It's a great restaurant I highly recommend. My total miles for the day was right around 150.
Re: SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 26 Jun 2017 13:59
by Savage
Awesome pics!! Looks like a nice ride.
But I don't understand how you were slowing the Porsches down through the twistys?

Re: SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 26 Jun 2017 14:38
by Creekside
nice crossings!
Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk
Re: SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 27 Jun 2017 07:54
by troy
Savage wrote:Awesome pics!! Looks like a nice ride.
But I don't understand how you were slowing the Porsches down through the twistys?

Daryl nor I would even think about breaking the law by operating our motorcycles at a speed greater than the posted limit. RIdeForum.NET Community Guidelines recommend everyone obey all posted laws in the interest of safety for the good of all of society. (see RCG page 428, section E17)
Re: SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 27 Jun 2017 07:55
by troy
Creekside wrote:nice crossings!
Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk
Right back at ya!
Re: SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 30 Jul 2017 18:24
by ozarksrider
I had a bit of unexpected free time today, and the weather was nice so I thought I run this loop as well. I'd forgotton how much fun goofing around Leavenworth county can be. I had lunch in Weston at the Cafe; tenderloin and fries. Then off to the Casey's at Leavenworth.
I only got turned around once, at the spot below on Stranger Creek, near the end. I watched a Jeep go through that, not up to his bumper, churning up new ruts in the mud underneath. A bit earlier I put my bike on its side in a particularly slimy spot. Good news is I was at the bottom of a deep enough rut the bike only went about half over!
Mt Olivet road is one of my favorite for scenery in Kanasas.
Got to try out my new Roadcrafter, nice and comfy on a 85 degree day. Also my first ride on Michelin Wilds.

Re: SUN JUN 25 | Dualsport | Leavenworth
Posted: 30 Jul 2017 18:31
by ozarksrider
That looks like the spot Troy and Daryl rode through. Maybe I should have tried it.....