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Chadwick 6/15 - 6/17
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 17:53
by CuzinMike
Well, it's time for me to dust off the old MX boots and hit the trails again. I'm planning to head down to Chadwick on Friday night the 15th, ride all day Saturday, a bit Sunday morning and head back.
I haven't ridden seriously off-road in almost 3 years, so the term "out of practice" most certainly applies! Fast I will not be. I'll be taking the KDX, so no street for me, just trails. I am trying to convince my dad to bring his XRL down for some forest service road riding, though.
So, if anyone has a free weekend, the more the merrier!
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 18:41
by tim
Chadwick-thats a tempting thought.
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 18:45
by BeemerBill
Was just there last week. WET, but a lot of fun. The showers are up and working (but no hot water) some problem they are suppose to be working on. You are going to have a great time, wish I could go again, but not this time, maybe next time.
Re: Chadwick
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 19:02
by CuzinMike
BeemerBill wrote:Was just there last week. WET, but a lot of fun. The showers are up and working (but no hot water) some problem they are suppose to be working on. You are going to have a great time, wish I could go again, but not this time, maybe next time.
It seemed like last time I was there they had routed a lot of trails up out of the streambeds and onto hillsides. That's one good thing about Chadwick, it seems like you can ride it in about any weather.
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 20:26
by carlrf
Anybody got a dirtbike they would trust me with?

Posted: 04 Jun 2007 21:41
by BeemerBill
CuzinMike wrote: It seemed like last time I was there they had routed a lot of trails up out of the streambeds and onto hillsides. That's one good thing about Chadwick, it seems like you can ride it in about any weather.
Yes, all trails are now out of the creek-beds. They have built bridges to take you over the creek-beds from one side to the other. If a ranger catches you riding on one of the "old trails" through a creek-bed, get ready for a LARGE fine. Also, no two-up riding on a dirt bike any more. A ranger told us last week it is a $125.00 fine if they catch you. I have ridden with my kids when they were young for years on my dirt bike there, and ride with my grand-kids on it now, but looks like that will stop..... Ranger told us that all the camp sites were full over Memorial weekend. Wow, that's a lot of people... Have been riding the Chadwick area since 1971. A lot of changes since then.
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 22:29
by iyeager
I'm definitely in. In august I'm going to start running the Forward Motion hare scramble series, so I need all the practice I can get. Only like, six, or seven things that need to be done to the KDX.
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 23:02
by CuzinMike
iyeager wrote:I'm definitely in. In august I'm going to start running the Forward Motion hare scramble series, so I need all the practice I can get. Only like, six, or seven things that need to be done to the KDX.
Cool, though I guarantee I need more practice than anyone...