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SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 04 Nov 2016 13:22
by troy
Some of us plan to twist the throttle at
Carbondale Sunday, Nov 13, 2016.
$15 per individual | $20 per family (spouse and kids)
This is not an "organized event" nor is there an official starting time. I'll arrive sometime between 9 and 11 am. I'll reply if I narrow down my arrival time.
Rumor has it the
Hackney Boys will join us. They probably want to watch my lines to improve their skill.
Added to the
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 07 Nov 2016 12:29
by Snowman
I know you mentioned that Carbondale has some good areas that I can practice some of the low speed stuff on but I'm wondering if you think any of trails are ridable with a bigger bike (Africa Twin) especially with rookie skills?
I have ridden around on the stuff on top of Perry and found that pretty manageable but I didn't have the guts to go wander down any of the mystery trails on my own.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 07 Nov 2016 12:48
by troy
The primary trail is a tight hare scramble single track course. Most would work very hard to get a big bike through it. There can be log jumps to get over, too. I would not want to work my F800GS through the course.
Chris Birch I am not.
The chat piles have "trails", but it's more a case of just finding any path you think you can ride! Plenty to have fun and challenge a big bike. I'd want a buddy to help pick the bike up if it falls upside down in a big erosion rut!
If you go, I'll help you pick the beast up after you sap your strength on the previous dozen or so falls.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 07 Nov 2016 13:16
by Savage
I think I'd rather ride a big bike at Randolph over Carbondale. At least there you have some wide open "easy" road type trails, instead of tight, tight trails. You have the option of somewhat difficult trails, or really difficult trails. You (or I should say I would) will be hating life about 1 mile into Carbondale trails.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 07 Nov 2016 13:20
by troy
But there is plenty of open space to play on a big bike if you just want to work on skills, which was his original inquiry in the other related thread. Between the "vintage/peewee motocross track", the open grassy areas, and the easier paths in the chat piles, I think you could have fun on a big ADV machine. Hopefully even $15 worth of fun & skill building.
Note he uses the term "motocross" loosely as there is not a single jump in that track. There are a couple of low rises that you might be able to twist hard enough to lift a front tire for a second.
I would say the same thing about School Creek--could have fun out there on my F800GS, just have to be extra careful what I decide to go down or up. Perry would SUCK except the area outside the woods--and there aint much there.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 07 Nov 2016 18:30
by xr-nut
Snowman wrote:I know you mentioned that Carbondale has some good areas that I can practice some of the low speed stuff on but I'm wondering if you think any of trails are ridable with a bigger bike (Africa Twin) especially with rookie skills?
I have ridden around on the stuff on top of Perry and found that pretty manageable but I didn't have the guts to go wander down any of the mystery trails on my own.
Please for the love of all things holy/un-holy, bring that big red pig out to c-dale. Notice my id over there <-------? I would be moooooooore than happy to follow you around and bail you out, should you need it

Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 07 Nov 2016 18:39
by Snowman
Lol. Well sorry to disappoint, but it's the Grey model.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 08 Nov 2016 01:06
by DanielKeimTS
Count me in for a few hours before noon then see how i feel. carbondale might be perfect to get me back going again and comfy on the bike , got the knee scoped and all cleaned up a couple weeks ago and got fixed up good and smoothed back out. Felt better within days. Been feeling good past couple days now that all stitches out and walking ok. I can be there anytime in morning, not much over an hour drive from me.
Will also have extra bike or 2 snowman, 300 xcw for guy that has big bike worried about riding the tight trails, also ur welcome to ride the freeride too if ur wantin somethin easier to ride. Might as well bring the fleet and have the honda aero 50 for xrnut and the xr50 as backup bike.
If anyone wants to go Randolph this fall and winter just let me know I'd be down anytime.

Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 08 Nov 2016 09:58
by Scott
Hello all,
I'm a new dual sport rider and I am definitely going to hit Carbondale on Sunday, even if I have to stay out of the woods. I figure at a minimum I can work on slow speed skills and still have a blast just being outside on one of the last remaining fall days. If anyone is having second thoughts about bringing their "big bike" out to play, you know you will regret it if you miss out on all the fun.....
Also, if anyone wants to meet somewhere in the Overland Park area and ride out together just let me know I would love to make the trek with another rider.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 08 Nov 2016 12:22
by troy
DanielKeimTS wrote:If anyone wants to go Randolph this fall and winter just let me know I'd be down anytime.

Sat Nov 12:
Glad you plan to make Carbondale! I might need that 50.

Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 08 Nov 2016 12:25
by troy
Scott wrote:I'm a new dual sport rider and I am definitely going to hit Carbondale on Sunday...
Welcome to RideForum.NET, Scott! I look forward to meeting you at Carbondale on Sunday. I have a white Ford F150 with an orange KTM plate on the front. Or just look for the best rider out there. HAHAHAHAHA!
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 08 Nov 2016 18:26
by DanielKeimTS
Anyone bringing family ? Trying to get my wife to go so my 2 year old can ride his strider on the flat dirt track i think he'd love it.
As much as I'd love to go to Randolph Saturday and embarrass/hurt myself trying the climbs that the crawlers do I better not, too soon and too much temptation at Randolph.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 10 Nov 2016 07:51
by xr-nut
Snowman wrote:Lol. Well sorry to disappoint, but it's the Grey model.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't worry yourself about disappointing me, you bring that big red/grey pig out there and allow me a leg over the seat and you'll make my November! Besides, what better way to test yourself and the new AT! I promise I will follow you around and get you out of any trouble you get into, promise! And in trade you can try out a 300 xcw, but i caution'll want one if you do!

Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 10 Nov 2016 08:05
by xr-nut
Come on Troy, don't discourage him! I want to see the Africa Twin!!!!!
and I might be able to get it over the logs if needed
troy wrote:The primary trail is a tight hare scramble single track course. Most would work very hard to get a big bike through it. There can be log jumps to get over, too. I would not want to work my F800GS through the course.
Chris Birch I am not.
The chat piles have "trails", but it's more a case of just finding any path you think you can ride! Plenty to have fun and challenge a big bike. I'd want a buddy to help pick the bike up if it falls upside down in a big erosion rut!
If you go, I'll help you pick the beast up after you sap your strength on the previous dozen or so falls.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 10 Nov 2016 13:22
by Hank Moody
Snowman I have known Joe for years and he is not kidding about following you around and helping you out. He is a great rider and an even great person. Joe, Shawnee Cycle had a grey AT on the floor yesterday, but it is an automatic and I just can't see you with an automatic. The guy at Shawnee Cycle gave me the stink eye when I touched the bike and there is no way in hell he was going to allow me to throw a leg over one...
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 10 Nov 2016 19:57
by DanielKeimTS
xr-nut wrote:Snowman wrote: And in trade you can try out a 300 xcw, but i caution'll want one if you do!

Will have one there for sale. it's lanes 300 he got from cycle zone couple years ago with 1 previous owner low hours, so been hardly ridden cuz he's a little girl and doesn't wanna get hurt.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 12 Nov 2016 13:03
by xr-nut
Hank Moody wrote:Snowman I have known Joe for years and he is not kidding about following you around and helping you out. He is a great rider and an even great person. Joe, Shawnee Cycle had a grey AT on the floor yesterday, but it is an automatic and I just can't see you with an automatic. The guy at Shawnee Cycle gave me the stink eye when I touched the bike and there is no way in hell he was going to allow me to throw a leg over one...
How ya been Hank Moody?! We should set a meet and greet sometime this winter and get all the old gang together. Eats and drinks in a non-romantic manner!

You are right, I would probably prefer the old fashion shifting AT, but I wouldn't turn my nose to a test ride on an auto! I have seen a couple new ones for sale semi-locally (sedalia honda had a red manual shifter) but at the moment with the new business and a son off to college, a new bike just isn't in the plan. Soon enough I will have one!

Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 13 Nov 2016 16:47
by troy
GREAT DAY on the Carbondale trails!
Daniel, thanks for letting me try your Husky 300!
Scott, great job with that GS650 on the Hare Scramble single track!
Team Hackney, ALWAYS love seeing you guys and showing you my lines!
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 13 Nov 2016 19:32
by Scott
What a great time today at the cycle park, muscling that GS around the track was fun and kicked my butt. The red beast definitely has a few more battle scars on her after today. Thank you to all the guys who showed me around and thank you Troy for following me through the trails helping me pick the bike up all those times. I had a blast and will definitely go back.
The ride home though, that's when things went south....
I stopped by the Casey's in Carbondale to fuel up and decided to check the rear tire pressure (thought it felt a bit squishy), I attached the air gauge and SWOOOOOOOSH all the air exited the rear tire. I checked the valve core and it seemed ok but wouldn't hold air. A couple of guys stopped by (sorry but I am horrible with names) and tried to help, we pulled the valve core and swapped it out with a new one, only once the new one went in the valve stem just kept rotating. Apparently the valve stem had sheared and that was the source of the leak. I'm just thankful I was stopped and not blasting down 56 highway when the failure occurred.
Realizing this was not going to be a roadside repair I called a local tow guy to haul the beast back to Overland park $$$.
But I am safe and will live to ride again.
Re: SUN Nov 13 | Offroad | Carbondale
Posted: 13 Nov 2016 19:50
by DanielKeimTS
troy wrote:GREAT DAY on the Carbondale trails!
Daniel, thanks for letting me try your Husky 300!
Scott, great job with that GS650 on the Hare Scramble single track!
Team Hackney, ALWAYS love seeing you guys and showing you my lines!
Was a really nice day to get out and ride had a great time, I didn't mind eating everyone's dust.
Hope scott made it back ok we bumped into him on way out of town at Casey's and was unable to help him with a flat tire on his big bike