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Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 11 Apr 2016 21:59
by gagnaou
Here is the date for the fun ride in Manhattan this spring. It seems that as the years go by the hardest it is to find a data that works for everybody. So here it is for this spring and if it does not work for you, there will still be this fall!
Please post if you are planning on attending as we will have some food for all to eat so that we have more time to play.
This ride is for everybody but especially for the younger kids that want to have a safe environment to learn. There is different level of difficulties on the trails so everybody should find something at his level. Plus we added a few more trails this winter
If you want to see what it is all about, here are the links to the previous ones:
4th Manhattan fun ride:
3rd Manhattan fun ride:
2nd Manhattan fun ride:
1st Manhattan fun ride:
Savage video from a few years back: [youtube][/youtube]
- Luc & Léonce
- Savage & family
- Mike & Lars
- Robert & family
- Daniel & family
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 12 Apr 2016 05:57
by safiri
Woo-hoo! Have you added any dune sections?
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 12 Apr 2016 06:47
by troy
Will you be issuing rally books?
What is the registration fee?

Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 12 Apr 2016 08:10
by gagnaou
I can dump Léonce sand box for the dune section, as far as the roadbook Troy, if you get a roadbook holder, I will make one just for you

Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 13 Apr 2016 06:51
by Savage
We should be able to make it.

Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 15 Apr 2016 21:06
by troy
If anyone is needing a great bike for the older kids or smaller adults, don't forget about this 125 in the Classifieds!
Guys, I'm not going to be able to make it.

My daughter is in a great program called
Girls On The Run. It is a 10 week program that includes training to run a 5K. The culminating event is a 5K run at Kaufman Stadium on Sat, May 21st.
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 29 Apr 2016 06:19
by safiri
Lars and I will be there.
I plan on bringing a Honda XR50 (a bit small for Lars), Yamaha TTR 125 (a bit large for Lars), and my KTM 450 (way too big for Lars, but just right for me).
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 29 Apr 2016 09:36
by gagnaou
safiri wrote:Lars and I will be there.
I plan on bringing a Honda XR50 (a bit small for Lars), Yamaha TTR 125 (a bit large for Lars), and my KTM 450 (way too big for Lars, but just right for me).
Excellent, looking forward to see you here Mike!
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 29 Apr 2016 21:33
by motomann
Looking forward to it Luc! Always a good time camping in your driveway.
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 29 Apr 2016 22:15
by DanielKeimTS
I should be able to make it with my wife and little boy. He is in love with dirtbikes and has been getting better on his little electric bike with training wheels and would love to watch and learn from the other young kids riding.
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 01 May 2016 21:06
by gagnaou
Excellent, we have a few more!!!
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 08 May 2016 21:02
by Savage
Alright you bunch of wallflowers. Less than 2 weeks until this fun ride. Are you going to load up your bikes and bring your family or are you going to go cut bait?
If you want to do some additional riding on Sunday you can ride the Spillway in Manhattan, the Randolph ORV, or School Creek at Milford.
Come on people - blow the dust off of your bike and lets go ride!

Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 19 May 2016 09:47
by gagnaou
Ordering sandwiches, so if you are not listed at the bottom of the first post, speak up so we have food for you!
See you all Saturday, not sure if I said it already but we'll start around 10 for the earliest.
Léonce and I went to try the new lay out of the trails, the ground was perfect!
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 20 May 2016 20:37
by gagnaou
I failed to post it this year, but like in years past, it seems like when people start to show up around 10, it works pretty good with the flow of the day. But we'll be here anytime you show up
see you tomorrow!
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 20 May 2016 21:44
by Savage
Daria is making a poke cake. Maybe we'll bring it.

Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 21 May 2016 14:31
by troy
What a beautiful day here in the KC metro! I hope you guys are having a GREAT time out at Luc's today! I hated to miss it, but I had a great day running a 5K with my daughter--it was her first and a pretty big achievement for her. It was something she had trained for the last 10 weeks so couldn't miss it!
I did not train at all, but it was no problem because I am just naturally super healthy & fit, as any one who sees me can tell.

Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 21 May 2016 21:19
by Savage
It was a good time.

Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 21 May 2016 21:39
by Savage
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 23 May 2016 12:07
by gagnaou
It was a good time! Quite a few people showed up, most of the trails were in pretty good shape with good grip, though wet and slimmy in a few places! Kids had a good time, people had fun! I got to ride a GS and I was very impressed on how it makes things feel easy, though I am not sure how Ajayhawkfan took it through all the trails first thing in the morning!
Thanks for all the people who took some media, I am looking forward to see all the pictures that Daria has taken!
On another not, somebody lost $20, please send me a PM and I'll get it mailed to you!
Re: Sat May 21st, 5th Manhattan Fun Ride! (for all ages)
Posted: 23 May 2016 12:17
by troy
That $20 was mine. I'm sure of it. I know it seems strange since I wasn't even there, but stuff like this happens to me all the time.