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Roadbook navigation ride
Posted: 23 Jul 2015 17:01
by gagnaou
After last week's presentation and the interest in generated based on post event communication I had with some, I am in the process of planning at least one, or maybe 2 ride for this fall where you'd have the possibility to use a roadbook to navigate!
I am planning on using this thread to post information about the preparation of the routes and other relevant information to the participants.
If you have an interest, post here so that we can keep you in the loop

Re: Roadbook navigation ride
Posted: 24 Jul 2015 11:50
by ajayhawkfan
I think that sounds like a lot of fun. Keep me in the loop.
Re: Roadbook navigation ride
Posted: 25 Jul 2015 18:08
by Scott_B
I don't recall exactly how much we thought the prices were for a road book during Luc's presentation at Cycle Zone, but I ran across this product, and wondered if it would work?
Only $30 plus shipping. Seems like a good entry-level product, unless I'm missing something.
Re: Roadbook navigation ride
Posted: 26 Jul 2015 08:45
by gagnaou
the issue is the paper width, I measured the roadbooks I was given and they are 15cm wide or about 6 inches....
I found this as far as cheap roadboook holder that would work, but they seem to be out of stock. ... older.html
I am still llooking though
Re: Roadbook navigation ride
Posted: 26 Jul 2015 17:06
by Stu
What about just following along and leaders waiting at turns until the rider behind shows up? That is the way I have done desert riding in the past. No roadbook needed.
Re: Roadbook navigation ride
Posted: 27 Jul 2015 08:15
by gagnaou
Stu, yes for the guys who do not have a roadbook that is what we will do.
The idea of this/those ride and why it is different thatn your classic dualsport tide,is for people that want to get a try at roadbook navigation stuff, I will have some roadbooks available. If you do have a roadbook holder, then you can ride at your own pace and you do not have to be eating the dust of the guy in front of you