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Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride?
Posted: 24 Jun 2015 09:43
by Scott_B
I'm still planning on riding down Thursday after work. I don't think my car/trailer could handle two large bikes, or I'd consider that option.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride?
Posted: 24 Jun 2015 10:08
by carlrf
Scott_B wrote:I'm still planning on riding down Thursday after work. I don't think my car/trailer could handle two large bikes, or I'd consider that option.
OK, if you want to "ride" down together let me know.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride?
Posted: 24 Jun 2015 10:29
by Scott_B
carlrf wrote:Scott_B wrote:I'm still planning on riding down Thursday after work. I don't think my car/trailer could handle two large bikes, or I'd consider that option.
OK, if you want to "ride" down together let me know.
Will do. I'd feel much more comfortable riding in a group for a 3 hour pavement ride.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride?
Posted: 24 Jun 2015 10:35
by carlrf
Scott_B wrote:carlrf wrote:Scott_B wrote:I'm still planning on riding down Thursday after work. I don't think my car/trailer could handle two large bikes, or I'd consider that option.
OK, if you want to "ride" down together let me know.
Will do. I'd feel much more comfortable riding in a group for a 3 hour pavement ride.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 28 Jun 2015 20:08
by troy
I just wanted to give a short update to say that I do plan to make this ride happen and don't see any reason it would not. I still don't have a full plan, but will get that done in the next day or 3.
For the sissies out there, you should know that if you believe the 10 day forecast, it looks like a good chance I'm going to get rained on.
That will not stop me from going. Adventure.

Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 28 Jun 2015 20:27
by Savage
If they're predicting rain in 10 days, then there is a 50% chance it will not be raining when that day gets here.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 28 Jun 2015 21:13
by Scott_B
I have to move into the "tentative" column at this point.
My shiny "new" tank is completely rust free (see thread in Rider's Lounge if you're interested), but it appears I now have a badly clogged fuel filter. I'll get one ordered tomorrow, but the place I found with them in stock only offers 2 day shipping. Best case, I'll get the new filter installed and ready by Wednesday night.
If it does arrive Wednesday, the good news is that I've now removed and replaced both the tank and filter so many times, it's only about a 15 minute job at this point.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 29 Jun 2015 12:22
by carlrf
Looks like I am still on board with this ride.
I can leave Thursday afternoon.
Would like to travel South with someone but not a requirement.
Scott you have my number or keep in touch here.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 07:52
by Scott_B
I received shipping confirmation of the fuel filter, promising a Wednesday delivery. I should know by 7pm whether or not the new filter did the trick. I'll update this thread with my status at that time.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 07:58
by troy
Good news, Scott. Fingers crossed.
Carl (and all) I will be riding S on Thursday. You could join me. How early on Thursday can you head out? I want to hit the road by 3pm or so and really take my time on the backroads getting to Joplin.
Forecast is still stacked against us. Rain starts Thur PM and then 50% chance Fri, Sat, & Sun for the Eureka Springs area. Pretty much the same forecast for Eureka Springs, Joplin, and Overland Park. Rain gear and highs in upper 80's is not my preferred combination.

Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 08:01
by Scott_B
Troy - I have a weekly 2:00 conference call, but it usually wraps up by 2:30. So, leaving from my office by the Speedway, 3pm should work fine.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 08:02
by troy
Scott_B wrote:Troy - I have a weekly 2:00 conference call, but it usually wraps up by 2:30. So, leaving from my office by the Speedway, 3pm should work fine.
Cool! So I'll figure to coordinate with you for "
THE LAUNCH". I'll inform the various media outlets that no doubt will want to be there filming this epic event.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 08:46
by carlrf
troy wrote:Good news, Scott. Fingers crossed.
Carl (and all) I will be riding S on Thursday. You could join me. How early on Thursday can you head out? I want to hit the road by 3pm or so and really take my time on the backroads getting to Joplin.
Forecast is still stacked against us. Rain starts Thur PM and then 50% chance Fri, Sat, & Sun for the Eureka Springs area. Pretty much the same forecast for Eureka Springs, Joplin, and Overland Park. Rain gear and highs in upper 80's is not my preferred combination.

I can do that time. I need to pick up better rain jacket than what I have, any recommendations?
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 08:53
by troy
carlrf wrote:I need to pick up better rain jacket than what I have, any recommendations?
The excellent Motorcycle Closeouts store in Smithville has several rain gear options in stock.
Folks highly recommend Frogg Toggs. ... g+rainsuit+
My preference is whatever lightest, cheapest rain gear I can find that will fit over my riding gear. I got years of use out of a $20 Stearns rain suit from Walmart. Problem with gear not designed for motorcycling is that it may not be designed for the wind speeds of riding. My cheapo pants let rain in around the pockets when I rode. The jacket had a hood which I had to carefully tuck into the jacket to keep it from flapping around. So not a perfect solution.
I need to buy a pair of Frogg Toggs. High-quality, designed for riding, and slip over your riding gear.
On that topic, the high-end riding gear usually comes with a rain-proof liner for the jacket and pants. But that model is tedious to me. I want to be able to pull over and quickly throw the rain layer OVER my clothes. I've had rides where I was in and out of rain every 5 miles and it was hot enough that as soon as rain stopped, I pulled over to remove the rain layer. Sucks to have to remove your pants and jacket to put the rain layer on. Those high-end items are hard to beat, though, if you are doing a cross-country ride in bad weather.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 09:33
by carlrf
Thanks, and yes I borrowed my sons FTs last two trips to Colorado and they worked pretty good.
I have a mesh jacket with a liner but it's kind of a joke I think.
I have rain worthy gear for colder weather but sure wouldn't want it this time of year.
Time to go shopping.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 10:26
by kendall_smith
troy wrote:Rain gear and highs in upper 80's is not my preferred combination.

The rain and warm temps should cancel each other out.
Any idea what hotel you guys will be staying in Thursday night? I'm planning on leaving my house early enough Friday morning to meet up with you guys in Joplin and then ride your route back to ES with you. If you're still not planning too far ahead and won't know until you get there, just shoot me a text after you check in with an address. Or I could meet you somewhere along your planned route if that would work better than meeting at the hotel in Joplin. I'd just need a timeframe/place.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 13:17
by Scott_B
Assuming all goes well with my repair tomorrow, James and I are going to modify our KC>Joplin leg Thursday:
Meeting in Harrisonville sometime between 3:00 and 4:00. James is pulling his BMW on the trailer since he's working in Bentonville next week. Given my recent mechanical issues, that will give us the opportunity to rescue the VStrom by switching with the BMW if needed.
We won't take the scenic route to Joplin, just good old 49 all the way down. James is off Thursday, so our departure will depend on when I can get out of the office (2:30 at the earliest), and how long it takes me to get to Harrisonville from KCK.
We will plan on texting Troy once we get to Joplin to sync up on the lodging arrangements.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 01 Jul 2015 18:19
by troy
Cool to know the Baumgartner Bros are coming!
Carlf & I plan to ride down to Joplin together. We might take off about 2pm..still working on specific logistics.
Kendall! It would be great to have you for Friday and/or Saturday! No idea yet on hotel. Maybe we can figure a spot you can meet us without going all the way into Joplin. I'll email you.
Route from Joplin, MO to Roaring River State Park (70 miles)
Route from Roaring River State Park to Eureka Springs, AR (27 miles)
This is an easy day. About 100 miles for the day.
Probably plenty of time in Eureka Springs to catch a movie, go see the Passion Play, play pool at a bar & grill.
Route from Eureka Springs, AR to Jasper, AR (75 miles)
Route from Jasper, AR to Eureka Springs, AR (85 miles)
About 160 miles total. Experience tells me this is an aggressive goal, but there will be plenty of pavement to speed things up, too. At an average of 20 MPH, that's only 8 hours.
Route from Eureka Springs, AR to Kansas City (240 miles!)
I will want to get an EARLY start on this day! I threw this together pretty fast and there are some interesting parts from what I can see on satellite imagery, etc. Of course you can always hit the highway at any point along the way.
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 01 Jul 2015 20:03
by troy
I just got a text from Scott--the Baumgartner Bros are OUT.
Scott explains that his gas tank/fuel issue is NOT resolved. Also, he is having Internet issues and can't get online to post his own update.
Also, I updated my post above this one to include the Sunday route I just created. Adventure!
Oh, and Randy if you are watching---did you see the tornado above your house at Raintree Lake?!
Re: Independence Day Weekend Ride
Posted: 01 Jul 2015 21:14
by troy
I plan to stay at the Traveler's Inn in Eureka Springs Fri & Sat nights. They are very motorcycle friendly and a good value. I just spoke to the guy on the phone and he has rooms open and would be glad to have us. The office was closed, though, so he couldn't actually book the room. I'm going to call tomorrow before I take off to book a room just to be safe.
Lots of lodging options of course. Looking like it might be only Carl & I for lodging in Eureka Springs since Kendall will just go to his house nearby.
For Joplin tomorrow night, I'm going to wing it. I'll find something when I get there.
Plan to meet Kendall at the One 14 Coffee Bar in Neosho, MO by 8:30 am Fri morning.
One 14 Coffee Bar
114 N Wood St
Neosho, MO 64850
So I figure to wake up Fri morning, saddle up and head to Neosho for breakfast by about 8 am. This means kickstands up 7:30 am Fri.