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Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 28 Apr 2014 08:01
by xr-nut
thanks for the invite, we had a great time. I wish we could have stayed longer and brought the boys, but we had to head on south. it was a long weekend of driving but we made it there late saturday night and headed back north. made it liberal for the night then followed the storms all the home. here we are west of salina finally getting back on a fast road(i70)!
thanks again luc,

Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 28 Apr 2014 09:34
by HanesAnizer
Fantastic pics and video!! What a great safe place for the little ones to ride and learn. Nice to see that many all together so they can have the experience of riding with others and dealing with traffic as well as the terrain.
Cool deal all around.
xr-nut wrote:Luc,
thanks for the invite, we had a great time. I wish we could have stayed longer and brought the boys, but we had to head on south. it was a long weekend of driving but we made it there late saturday night and headed back north. made it liberal for the night then followed the storms all the home. here we are west of salina finally getting back on a fast road(i70)!
thanks again luc,

What's the story behind the '67 Camaro?? I have a '72 collecting dust in a garage...

I need to get it running again.
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 28 Apr 2014 10:24
by motomann
My sincerest thanks to Luc and Leonce for putting on a great ride this weekend and again to Troy for hosting the site that makes these meetups possible. What a great group to ride with.
Griffin said on the way home "Dad, Leonce and I think we should do this ride once a month. When is it going to be next month?" He was very excited to learn that was only 5 days away.
See you all again soon!

Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 28 Apr 2014 13:12
by Savage
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 29 Apr 2014 06:51
by Savage
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 29 Apr 2014 09:18
by gagnaou
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 29 Apr 2014 10:05
by troy
Quinton (& Mrs.), THANKS for taking the photos! I really enjoyed looking through the Photobucket album. I sent the pic of my wife, Jodi, on the CRF 100 to her this morning. Moto-Jodi! PS: Are there any cupcakes left?!

Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 29 Apr 2014 10:17
by gagnaou
troy wrote:Are there any cupcakes left?!

Yes there is a couple on my fridge, but you'll have to fight LĂ©once to get them

Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 29 Apr 2014 18:15
by Savage
No cupcakes left cupcake.

No problem on the pics, its enjoyable for me. The better half actually did a decent job of taking pics, which is a huge surprise to me. I've been chopping up the video to cut it down to something that you all may actually watch. What I don't like about the video is I have a lot of video of Gavin and Leonce riding. Even when I set up the camera in the tree hoping to catch quite a few guys, gals, kids, not very many different riders went by. I was hoping to catch almost everyone so I wouldn't look like I'm just trying to make a video of myself and my kids ya know.
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 01:04
by gagnaou
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 01:23
by gagnaou
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 10:30
by gagnaou
Chris teaching his boys!

Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 21:43
by Savage
Daria and I were talking this evening and she brought up the idea of making T-shirts. Given this ride was focused on the kids I thought it was a pretty good idea. She decided to whip up a design. Lets see if this link will work... ... tton-_-end
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 01 May 2014 06:47
by Savage
And without further blahbidy blah, here is the final cut. Watch, enjoy, like it, share with buddies. LMK what you think. Thanks!
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 01 May 2014 07:43
by troy
AWESOME! Only thing wrong with the video is that you never see my awesome skill on my KTM 300! I did ride it that day, didn't I?!

Love watching the little kids on the 50s tackling the obstacles!
What's with Leonce's "death lay down" when he wrecks? You can tell he is mad at himself for falling. I bet when we aren't there Luc beats him for dabbing a foot.

Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 01 May 2014 10:12
by gagnaou
This is an awesome video!!!
THANKS for taking the time to stitch all of that footage together! Sure does take a lot of time but result is great!
Now the part that blows me away is that the part where you use my footage looks way better than when I upload it to youtube, you must be getting preferential treatment

Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 01 May 2014 10:38
by motomann
Epic! I particulary enjoyed the chase scene you did with Luc through the field in 2x. Leonce's "death lay" as Troy referred to it was a classic. I remember watching it like it was happening in slow motion. I love that Leonce capitalized on the opportunity for some quick R&R while the crash team arrived (also in slow motion). What great production! We have some awesome kids!!!! We're pretty awesome too.
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 01 May 2014 20:07
by Savage
Thanks guys!! The fast footage around the track wasn't me, it was Ethan on the CRF. You guys were movin'. I was laughing when I saw Leonce lying motionless unless Luc fired up his bike then he hopped right up. I was amazed to see the little ones going through the rough stuff. Good work guys!
I like hearing the 950 V-Twin in that one clip.
Are you guys able to see the shirt design?
Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 02 May 2014 08:40
by gagnaou
Yes design looks great! Personally I'd rather spend some $ on some professionally printed pictures of the day. Is that something you and Daria would be okay for me to do, there are a couple of cool shots she took that I am sure his grand parents would love to have.
If we make it a regular event then why not, maybe we could even find sponsors to pay for the teeshirts

Re: Sat Apr 26: 2nd Manhattan Fun Ride
Posted: 02 May 2014 22:50
by gagnaou