It has a rocker switch. You need the highest setting at 34F about half the time. Go on pretty easy. Chopsticks work great getting the old ones off. Just twirl them around the bar inside and use some compressed air and they are off!
I installed them using this setup so I could use a 12V relay to turn power on/off to a terminal block using accessory 2 which comes active AFTER the bike starts. Later maybe heated jacket/pants/socks/ ... ps-alt.php
and my bike looked like this for about month...

oh and some dirt road shots from last weekend, in some farmer's back road by mistake. Some id10T state workers puts real street signs on pathways to fields out past Alma. Pretty much every road I drove by and thought "lets go down that one!" was a driveway or a field access road with a real road sign. I figured if its got a sign I can go, well at least to the gate.

nothing says out west Kansas flint hills like this

that stuff can get boring but I like the wild west of it (yes I work in a office with computer and live in suburbs).