Rick wrote:I'm not familiar with the venue.
Not sure if you are kidding or not, Rick.

Twin Peaks restaurants are like Hooters but kicked up a notch in most ways as I understand. Get it, "twin peaks", heh, heh, heh. In fact, their company website is blocked by the family-safe web filter I have configured at my house.
I was interested in attending, but I was flying home from Mexico--got back in town last night. Eddie, THANKS for clearing the snow from around my truck and even warming it up for me. WOW, what a guy! Actually, the 26 degrees with no wind wasn't bad at all. I expected to be in shock coming back from a week of 84 and sunny. My truck started fine and there was almost nothing to clear from the windows. I was able to just back over the small snow pile behind my truck. I had envisioned 30 minutes of snow & ice removal to get out of the parking spot.