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School Creek Anyone? Sunday December 15
Posted: 14 Dec 2013 15:47
by KC
I got all my chores done today so I am thinking about riding School Creek tomorrow afternoon. Weather should be nice for riding. I usually won't ride by myself, so if at least one person is game, I am going.
Re: School Creek Anyone? Sunday December 15
Posted: 15 Dec 2013 07:39
by KC
It's a GO! As of right now, there will be three of us riding the afternoon. I am picking up Lumberjack Luc on the way and my friend Doug (who also helped us with the trail clearing) is coming over from Salina.

Partly Sunny and 50 Degrees

Re: School Creek Anyone? Sunday December 15
Posted: 15 Dec 2013 08:19
by Rick
What time will you be there?
Re: School Creek Anyone? Sunday December 15
Posted: 15 Dec 2013 11:10
by Creekside
Too bad I got a so many Christmas parties this weekend. Have fun!
Re: School Creek Anyone? Sunday December 15
Posted: 15 Dec 2013 17:47
by Rick
Great day for a ride.
Re: School Creek Anyone? Sunday December 15
Posted: 15 Dec 2013 18:35
by Savage
How was it? Got any pics that ain't so dang ugly?
I ATTEMPTED to buy and install a new dishwasher today before my wife got home to surprise her with her Christmas gift. She came home and they were both laid out of the floor and I wasn't very happy. I decided to take a break and go clear my head. Rode the 300 out to the trails and rode for a solid 1.5 hours and worked up a little sweat. Rode with a couple guys I know and had a great time. Came home feeling much better and got the dang dishwasher installed.
Re: School Creek Anyone? Sunday December 15
Posted: 15 Dec 2013 18:56
by KC
I could not of asked for a better day of riding!

The only thing better would have been installing a Dishwasher! (Sorry Savage) I feel your pain. That's one of those things you just don't do very often and think "I can get that done in about 30 minutes." Three to four hours later and a trip back to the hardware store and VOILA!
My friend Doug couldn't make it and it looked like it was just going to be Luc and I. Then Rick showed up and it turned into a party. After talking the guy in the parking lot that flipped his bike and may have fractured his collar bone, we fired up the bikes and started our ride. I don't think Rick made it more than 10 feet out of the parking lot when his chain broke in a bad fashion. There was half a broken link with the mushroomed pins attached to each end and the chain was doubled back up between the counter-shaft sprocket and chain roller. Lucky for us, another group of riders had a master link and Rick had a flat file...long story short...problem solved in about 20 minutes!
Thanks Luc and Rick for coming along on such short notice.
Re: School Creek Anyone? Sunday December 15
Posted: 15 Dec 2013 19:14
by Savage
That's one of those things you just don't do very often and think "I can get that done in about 30 minutes." Three to four hours later and a trip back to the hardware store and VOILA!
That's exactly how it went down. Otherwise I would of went to SC with you guys.