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Ride to HPT on Friday
Posted: 23 Apr 2007 06:00
by iyeager
Hey all,
I've got to work at HPT on this weekend, and Friday I'm going out there without the wife, so I'm considering taking the bike. Just wondering if anyone else is headed that direction earlier in the A.M. (5:30 - 6:00ish) and wanted to hookup and ride together. I'm gonna go over some maps this week and try to find as many gravel and hardpack roads between here and Topeka as possible. My Meridian shot craps however, sometime between the last time I used it (like three years ago) and now, so unless Garmin comes through this week, (not likely) I'll be going it the old fashioned way.
Let me know if you're interested.
Edit: I'm leaving from North KC. Just thought I'd throw that in.
Posted: 23 Apr 2007 07:18
by tim
just dont crash, we need you brotha

Posted: 23 Apr 2007 14:53
by iyeager
Also, if anyone is on the fence, I can get one person into the races for free.
Big, national CCS/ASRA races. Super-fast guys are gonna be out there, even some of the slower AMA guys, which, you know, are still really frikken fast.
Posted: 23 Apr 2007 16:06
by tim
iyeager wrote:Big, national CCS/ASRA races. Super-fast guys are gonna be out there, even some of the slower AMA guys, which, you know, are still really frikken fast.
'AMA' and 'slow' do not belong in the same sentence.

Posted: 23 Apr 2007 21:15
by carlrf
Man that's early! I could probably get the day off. Is the free entry still available? Any obligations on my end after we get there?
Posted: 23 Apr 2007 21:53
by iyeager
It's only early if not used to waking up at the butt crack of dawn, working for twelve hours for demanding (obnoxiously so in some cases, TIM) racers, than sleeping a couple of hours and repeating all weekend.
No obligations what-so-ever. I have to be there for all the races, until about 5ish or so, to mount tires and be a general pit bitch for the team. If you decided to hang around till then, or swing back by around then, I would more than happily accompany that person all the way back to KC.
Free entry is still up for grabs.
Posted: 23 Apr 2007 22:19
by carlrf
I will see if I can get Friday off tomorrow and let you know!
Posted: 24 Apr 2007 10:12
by Dakar
I have to be out there starting Thursday to work for 4 days. So stop your bichin, you know you love it!
Paid to have ring side seats! OH YEA!!!

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 10:43
by tim
all I ask for is some big B stickers and a new hat once a year. is that so much??

I-you gonna be there Tursday?
Dakar I will see you in T10 hopefully from a distance.... the beast was blowing oil last Monday so I only got 2 sessions in.
Posted: 24 Apr 2007 11:31
by Dakar
I don't know what corner I will be on. Might be diff each day.
And remember I have a rule that you do NOT want to brake! Do NOT come to visit me!!!!
As to Thrusday. HPT is having a pre race open track for the racers to sort out the bikes before the races. And they said they could not do it with out me!
Ok so that was only half true...

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 14:11
by carlrf
iyeager wrote:It's only early if not used to waking up at the butt crack of dawn, working for twelve hours for demanding (obnoxiously so in some cases, TIM) racers, than sleeping a couple of hours and repeating all weekend.
No obligations what-so-ever. I have to be there for all the races, until about 5ish or so, to mount tires and be a general pit bitch for the team. If you decided to hang around till then, or swing back by around then, I would more than happily accompany that person all the way back to KC.
Free entry is still up for grabs.
Looks like I am a go on this one. Where and when do you want to meet?
Posted: 24 Apr 2007 15:00
by iyeager
Sent you a PM Carl. must be talking about your ringside seats, cuz mine are a little further from the action than yours.
Tim, I'll be there Friday, Sat, Sun, but someone will be doing tires Thursday/early Friday (before I show up) if you need to get some done.
And don't worry, I've got your hat.
Posted: 24 Apr 2007 18:17
by Dakar
iyeager wrote: must be talking about your ringside seats, cuz mine are a little further from the action than yours.
Can you even SEE anything from your spot?

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 21:54
by iyeager
I've got a great view of the garages. And.....
.....all the hot umbrella girls.
Posted: 25 Apr 2007 15:29
by Dakar
iyeager wrote:I've got a great view of the garages. And.....
.....all the hot umbrella girls.
See you Friday!