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Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 10 Jun 2013 08:59
by troy
School Creek ORV Area at Milford Lake
Saturday, June 15th
Show up anytime and ride as long as you want. I expect to arrive between 10 and 11 AM. I drive a tan, 4-door Ford pickup with a "KTM" plate on the front.
Weather looks to be HOT & muggy for Saturday with a tiny chance of some rain.
If you prefer a road ride this sure to check out the
Flint Hills Stampede happening this Fri - Sun.
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 10 Jun 2013 11:35
by kendall_smith
Nice timing! I was just thinking that I am WAY overdue to get the 350 out! Alissa and I have been doing some riding on the 990, but I haven't gone dirt riding for close to two months now- there's just been too much going on.
What's the plan for the Milford ride? I might be in if I can swing it, but I can't commit 100% quite yet. Our house is under contract right now and the buyers' inspection is a week from today, so I might end up having to do house-related stuff this weekend, but we'll have to see how that goes.
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 10 Jun 2013 12:56
by Savage
I'm dual sport riding Saturday.
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 10 Jun 2013 16:57
by Rick
Yes. Either place or both.
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 12 Jun 2013 07:58
by troy
First post updated.
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 13 Jun 2013 07:28
by xr-nut
double header at valley falls

Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 13 Jun 2013 16:49
by Hank Moody
Wish I could go, but.... family commitments come first.
I did add a new to me/my kids bike to the garage, 2002 TTR 125. Got a great deal on it! It only needs a carb cleaning and new tires. Should be great for them to learn on. My son is really to big for it already, so if he likes riding I will be looking for a 250...
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 14 Jun 2013 22:46
by troy
Wish you and son could ride with us.
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 14 Jun 2013 23:15
by KC
See you girls in the morning, we stopping at the quilt shop first? Or headed straight to the Mall ???
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 16 Jun 2013 18:35
by Savage
I got my riding in!

Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 17 Jun 2013 14:00
by Stu
Saw this too late to join you. How was the ride at Milford?
Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 17 Jun 2013 14:12
by troy
Savage, glad you enjoyed the dualsport ride!
Stu, we had a great time. It was Kyle, Rick, Lance, Mike (my bro-in-law), and me. Lance is a guy we met there who lives in Abilene and rides School Creek all the time. He is a good rider and a good guy. Rides a 2004 (I think) KTM 250 2-smoke.
Unfortunately we got rained out by 1pm, which means I only got about 2 hours of riding in for 5 hours of commuting. We tried to keep riding but just after the ground got wet, we went down that monster hill and all 5 of us about wiped out. The ground turned to snot. VERY slippery. Any extra power to the rear wheel tried to throw you down. Lance was the 5th one down the hill, and immediately upon reaching the bottom he exlaimed, "I'M OUT." Since all of us were recovering from the pucker, nobody disagreed as we carefully made our way back to the parking lot.
Worth point out, though, that I still had a great time riding!
Now...on the negative... School Creek is in the worst condition I've ever seen it because most trails are terribly over-grown with branches you have to smack, duck, squeeze through.
It's time to revive this idea.
It is my impression that the organization that normally performs trail maintenance at School Creek is kind of dead right now. Their leader was out for most of last year with an injury--don't know if she's back riding now or what. Let's post our School Creek trail maintenance ideas/discussion in that other thread.

Re: Sat June 15: Off-Road
Posted: 17 Jun 2013 21:44
by Savage
I REALLY enjoy trail riding but I don't do it much this time of year due to overgrowth and poison ivy. I always end up riding with my head down so I don't get whipped or eat spiders. That and its usually a sauna back in there.
So I decided to get out and get in a nice ride. Turned out to be a great day!