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Sat Nov 24, 2012 Trails & Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 13:14
by troy
Larry "Bird Man" offers to lead a gravel road ride this Sat after Thanksgiving.
Saturday, Nov 24, 2012
Meet at the airport in Garnett, KS
Kickstands up at 9AM
100 - 150 miles around E. Anderson County
Hope to return by 3:30 to 4:00 (no guarantees)
bird man wrote:
RE: ... 646#p11963
I have learned that Charlie Brown Mkt. will not be open on sat. Nov. 24......but the Mapleton Cafe will be. If some of you want to do a ride I can make a new route that goes through Mapleton. I would like to start the ride in Garnett at the Airport. It is on the east side of town just off 169 ,easy to spot. Will try to do a route of 100 to 150 miles. I would like to start at 9 am and should finish no later than 3:30 - 4 pm. There is space to park a truck if you chose to haul your bike.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 13:33
by troy
I'm IN. I might ride my F800 down to Garnett or haul my 450 EXC. I have not decided. If someone wants to haul down with me, post up.
There is a chance our new member,
DenniSMC, will join us. He moves to KC from PA end of this week to start a new job! We need to give him a good KS welcome. (I'm not sure what that is. Perhaps we throw cow patties at him or beat him with a shock of wheat?)
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 14:25
by MrHix
Sure would like to make it. Need to check with the Boss.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 15:26
by allkidd
Larry, At one time you mentioned also riding some trails at your place...are you still thinking that or more just gravel? The reason I'm asking is that, like Troy, I'm not sure whether to ride my 800GS or haul my 450. The other issue is that it may be cold and I'm a wimp about riding in the cold. If this is the case, I can ride ride my 800 with heated gear and be all comfy!
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 15:32
by Rusty Jug
Ok, I'm trying to find a person to cook 30 kc steaks over a open pit at the horse riding ranch Saturday at 6:00
So if I get this done or leave at 3:30
How are the fuel stops on this ride?
I'm trying to have fun with you KC guys!
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 15:33
by troy
allkidd wrote:Larry, At one time you mentioned also riding some trails at your place...are you still thinking that or more just gravel? The reason I'm asking is that, like Troy, I'm not sure whether to ride my 800GS or haul my 450. The other issue is that it may be cold and I'm a wimp about riding in the cold. If this is the case, I can ride ride my 800 with heated gear and be all comfy!
When it's colder, trail riding is great because I've never been cold working a bike on the trails. Riding down a road at 40+ MPH, however, I've been cold many times.
For what it's worth, I'm open to making this a trail ride instead of a gravel road ride. However, I think Larry has a pretty good route in mind, and has been wanting to show it to us for some time now.
I notice the forecasted temp keeps inching lower as we get closer to Sat.
Randy, Larry told me the route has at least one creek crossing with a muddy bank that could be a challenge on the bigger bikes--especially without knobbies. My F800GS has knobbies, but they are almost scrubbed off.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 15:35
by troy
Rusty Jug wrote:Ok, I'm trying to find a person to cook 30 kc steaks over a open pit at the horse riding ranch Saturday at 6:00
So if I get this done or leave at 3:30
How are the fuel stops on this ride?
I'm trying to have fun with you KC guys!
I have a better idea. You can setup and cook KC steaks for us somewhere along the route.
Larry, the route master, will need to chime in, but I'm sure we'll come across gas options or can make it happen.
...or if the weather turns even colder, maybe we trail ride at his place instead.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 16:41
by stimmer6253472
I want to ride this weekend but it is looking kind of cold for an 1.5 hour early morning dash to Garnett. If you guys end up riding the big bikes down post it up. I might tough it out even though I don't have heated gear.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 19:30
by bird man
OK , I just got back in for the day. Been looking at the weather and the low sat. morning here is forcast to be mid 20's with a high of maybe 50 ,all this depends exactly which forcast you look at ( usually check with a min. of 3 sites to get a average.)
If you guys want to ride trails I am good with that , for me it is just as fun ,if not more, and easier to plan for. Like Troy says we will not get cold riding the trails. If you are wanting to ride down it will be a cold ride down and back. The deer are also moving ,really moving , right now, and not just in the evening but all the time.This is a factor to consider on your bike, would much rather chance hitting one in the truck. Was out checking fields this afternoon and had a close encounter twice. Thanksgiving week is peak of the breeding season and they are like college age boys after the cuties, forgetting anything sensable including danger. Had a big buck come straight toward us to get to his doe that he had got seperated from.
Anyway we can do whatever you guys want to do, will be happy to plan a route ,or you can come to the farm and ride trails. If we ride trails we can take a lunch break to a nearby town in the warm part of the day.
The trail ride day would be, ride trails, do a 30-40 mile backroads round trip to lunch then back for more trails or home or pheasant farm tour. 9 AM would be a good start time and finish whenever you chose.
Troy can fill you in on the quality of the trails as my experience on other trails is limited. There is 4 miles of trails plus side trails and 1 mile of creek bottom with lots of side options between trail and creek to challenge.
A backroads ride could start as late as 10am if need be and end as early as 3pm if need be. The lunch stop will be in either Mound City or Mapleton. There are plenty of places for gas along the way but ride should not be so long that you can't make it on one tank .The ride would likely include a stop at Eddies place also. If we opt for the shorter day I will just cut off some miles. If you want to start at 9 and end at 3:30 as planned that is good too.
Personally with the cooler weather(below freezing which creates more work on the farm) I would be happy to do the trail ride. We can ride the backroads route I have in mind some other time or later in the winter when 50 is a warm day.
Let me know what you want to do,you guys have the long cold ride to get here, I just want to be riding
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 21 Nov 2012 20:23
by Rusty Jug
Trail riding and a run to a foodie stop is my vote!

Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 08:40
by MrHix
MrHix wrote:Sure would like to make it. Need to check with the Boss.
Darn, looks like a no-go this time. Have fun wherever you ride!
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 11:01
by allkidd
How about riding trails in the morning when it is colder and then combine lunch with an afternoon road ride?
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 14:46
by bird man
allkidd wrote:How about riding trails in the morning when it is colder and then combine lunch with an afternoon road ride?
That does sound like a good plan Randy, there are plenty of good roads around here to fill the afternoon. We can do the eastern Anderson stuff some other time.
Does that suit you Jim.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 16:30
by Rusty Jug
Ok this overstuffed turkey plans to ride Saturday, so where are we meeting at ?the airport still? I'm hauling bike.
I have to leave by 3:30 so I can cook steaks

at the horse ranch! But looking forward to the ride, sad thing is I have road tread on my crf 450, well it will be a new experience for me with these tires!
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 19:59
by bird man
It appears to me that the trail riding in the morning with an afternoon backroads ride option is winning. We will meet at the trails. Located 12 miles west of Garnett at 12856 nw 1600 rd Westphalia
N38 15.559 W95 27.295
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 20:47
by stimmer6253472
No tag on my 300 so have fun guys.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 21:00
by ajayhawkfan
stimmer6253472 wrote:No tag on my 300 so have fun guys.
Don't hesitate going. I have no tags on my bike and I ride it all over that area.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Gravel Roads
Posted: 22 Nov 2012 22:14
by bird man
Jim, go ahead and come I don't think the tag thing will be a problem.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Trails & Gravel Roads
Posted: 23 Nov 2012 09:38
by troy
FYI, Larry's place is about a 75 minute drive from the KC metro. I created a
Google Map from Garnett to help you find his place.
I'm definitely hauling the bike down. My goal is to arrive at Larry's farm well before 9:30. I figure I'll head out about 8AM. (Perhaps earlier.)
If folks are interested in carpooling, I'm taking my truck and can borrow a trailer if more folks want to share the ride. I can take 4 bikes and 4 riders. 913.669.0958
Jim, I'm taking my 300, and like you, don't really enjoy risking a non-plated bike on the roads. Of course there are no guarantees, but Larry & Eddie are correct--they and others ride non-plated bikes down there often without issue. Of course a 2-stroke 300 might draw more attention and raise more eyebrows than a mild-mannered, 4-stroke Honda 230. Don't do wheelies down main street!
If nobody takes up my offer to carpool, I'll take both my 300 and my street-legal 450 and swap for the road section. This brings up another option--if you want to trail ride but don't have a trail-worthy bike, I might loan you my bike. Call me. 913.669.0958
Larry has worked hard to create some nice trails on his land. We owe him a huge THANK YOU for his generosity in hosting us to ride on his farm.
Re: Sat Nov 24, 2012 Trails & Gravel Roads
Posted: 23 Nov 2012 13:32
by Rusty Jug
Fighting a 101 temp but this big boy will be there! Looking forward to it, about a 2 hr drive see what I'll do for you Kc boys! You need somebody to laugh at!