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Re: 4th Annual Winter Bald Eagle Ride, January 18-21, 2013
Posted: 23 Jan 2013 11:08
by rycomm
Scottie, that video was like re living it. My shoulders and arms a still a little sore. I'm pretty sure Suzuki never intended for the 'Strom to be used like that.
Hope you're feeling better.
Re: 4th Annual Winter Bald Eagle Ride, January 18-21, 2013
Posted: 23 Jan 2013 12:28
by Rusty Jug
Nice video!
Re: 4th Annual Winter Bald Eagle Ride, January 18-21, 2013
Posted: 23 Jan 2013 20:19
by rycomm
I was going to do a long step by step post, but I think I'll just post a few of my favorite shots.

Eddies cover shot, maybe. Near the summit of Possum Creek Rd.

From in the mill near Lincoln. A fine group of bikes.

Eddie giving Scottie a bit of help in the wet clay on Possum Creek Rd.

Eddie and Troy discussing the best line? Or the one I didn't take.

Randy deciding the go around may be the best way.

The Ascension of Troy. We were starting to think that Troy was a god anyway.

The Academy, in B&W

Pannell Rd

Troy on Possum Creek Rd.

White Rock Mtn, with Scott to add a little reference.

Randy doing some trials riding on Pannell Rd.
I guess that's enough for now. If anyone wants any of the full size images, let me know. I can email them without the compression.
Re: 4th Annual Winter Bald Eagle Ride, January 18-21, 2013
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 19:47
by jasoomian
rycomm wrote:I was going to do a long step by step post, but I think I'll just post a few of my favorite shots.
I guess that's enough for now. If anyone wants any of the full size images, let me know. I can email them without the compression.
Nice pics, Ryan!
Re: 4th Annual Winter Bald Eagle Ride, January 18-21, 2013
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 19:57
by jasoomian
Cheesy grin, indeed! Great set of pics.
Re: 4th Annual Winter Bald Eagle Ride, January 18-21, 2013
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 20:46
by Savage
Very nice pics rycomm!
It looks like Troy wet himself.
Re: 4th Annual Winter Bald Eagle Ride, January 18-21, 2013
Posted: 27 May 2013 17:05
by jasoomian
I haven't really been able to ride as of late, so, I just got around to changing the oil on the bike. It wasn't overdue by a mileage standpoint, but, more along the lines of, hmm, it's spring - time to change the oil.
I hadn't taken a good look at the skid plate since I got back from the Bald Eagle ride other than to notice that it was, once again, a bit askew.
Well, I got a good look at it on Friday.
Thinking that mounting bolt took quite a whack, as you can by the bottom picture.
If you would like to look at the originals, you can do so