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Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 25 Oct 2012 12:45
by troy
Thanks for that Foster.
I updated the first post a few days ago with a Map Link and directions to the campground. It's right in Disney and easy to find, but I don't think there are any signs off the main drag.
The forecast now shows dry Fri - Sun! The rain has moved out of the forecast for tomorrow! I just got off the phone with Hogan, and a front blew through today and they got a little wet--that's all. He says it looks like it's probably done. He also said it's so dry down there that any rain they get, the ground will be dry again in 15 minutes. "Some rain to settle the dust would be a good thing."
It does look cold, though, so bring your warmer riding gear. On the trails mid-day above 50 degrees, it will be PERFECT. Nights, though, are forecast to drop to near 30. xr-nut is bringing some firewood, but if some of you have firewood and can bring it, it could be quite useful!
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 25 Oct 2012 12:58
by kendall_smith
Thanks for the map- I printed it out here at work. My rig is out in the parking lot fully loaded and I'll be leaving here in a little over an hour.
Good news about the weather down there, because it sure sucks up here now! It was 71 degrees when I drove into work this morning at 5:45 and I went out to my truck about an hour ago and it's freezing!
I brought plenty of warm clothes and gear, but I didn't have room for firewood. Hopefully we will be able to set up our camp so that we can all share a community fire pit- that way we won't have to have enough wood for several fires.
I'll post when I get there with any new info.
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 25 Oct 2012 13:22
by Foster
I will grab some fire wood as well and throw it in the back of my pickup. I won't have a ton but I should be able to get at least enough to subsidize what we already have coming down.
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 25 Oct 2012 13:55
by kendall_smith
I'm outta here! See you guys in sunny Oklahoma!

Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 25 Oct 2012 14:36
by Foster
Lucky duck. Maybe if I leave a cardboard life size cut out of myself at my workstation, no one will notice if I just head out tonight after work...
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 25 Oct 2012 20:44
by kendall_smith
Good idea, Nick! What's the worst that could happen? Lol!
Well, I made it here and got camp all set up. I would have posted earlier, but it took a while to get set up and then I got hungry.
I talked to Hogan when I got here and we got 5 spaces right along the road. I'm in an end spot with my Jayco popup and white F150. You'll see my rig right when u pull into the campground.
Now I'm going to go in and fire up the heater and get the mattress heater going too. Nick, you and Chris might want to bring sleeping bags because I might end up using both blankets that I brought.
See everybody tomorrow!
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 26 Oct 2012 07:20
by Foster
I was bringing a sleeping bag anyway just because my brother is a blanket stealing whore who can't be trusted to leave you any blankets. If I am wrapped up inside of it, then it is at least harder to steal
Also, my boss seemed receptive to the cardboard cut out idea. He asked some weird questions though, "do you know where I can get large sheets of pink colored card board so I can make one to match yours?" I told him I did not, and continued cutting mine out of course

Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 26 Oct 2012 07:43
by FosterBUM
I can supply brown cardboard and im sure you can firgure out someway of changing the color with those dyes that you have in there... For a fee though, I require a cutout of myself aswell.
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 26 Oct 2012 11:01
by Foster
I already made multiple of you! You can borrow one. I have been screwing things up out in the warehouse and then leaving the card board cut out near the mess, but behind a few pallets so it looks like you are hiding. I also have a few of you napping that I leave places. You didn't wonder why you had been written up so many times?

Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 28 Oct 2012 20:01
by Rick
Thank you for organizing this trip. Kim an I had a great time. It was good to get reaquainted with you, Kyle and Joe's family. It was good to meet Mike, Kendall and the Foster boys. Hogan is quite the host. Southern hospitality at it's best.
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 28 Oct 2012 21:44
by KC
I pulled into my drive just after 8PM. I'm tired and sore but happy after a much needed break. I need to re-align some vertebrae after all the log jumps and rock hopping but it was worth every minute...I just haven't been able to ride much this year. Great to see all of you and look forward to seeing some pics and video soon!
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 29 Oct 2012 17:21
by troy
Photos! ... ideOct2012
My 14.5 minute compilation video. Enjoy!
Great weekend for me. While Joe was not a big fan of Disney's playground, I think most folks had a good time riding. I'm happy to report my new (old 99) 300 2-stroke ran great!
I think most of us agreed we'd rather ride at Chadwick or trails in AR, but the nice thing about an open-format riding area (like Disney, School Creek, Randolph, Perry, etc, etc.) is that you can create all kinds of small, repetitive loops to play and work on skills. You can do a jump over and over until you get comfortable. I need that kind of exercise, and you don't get that riding down a long trail that is several miles long because each obstacle is a new, unknown, danger--forcing me to ride cautiously.
Anyway, I would not hesitate to do another camp & ride event at Disney....but let's see what we want to do for the next adventure! After all, I need more events to hang my banner up!
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 29 Oct 2012 20:02
by g1shadow
Glad you had a good time wih the 300 Troy
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 09:07
by kendall_smith
troy wrote:
Great weekend for me. While Joe was not a big fan of Disney's playground, I think most folks had a good time riding. I'm happy to report my new (old 99) 300 2-stroke ran great!
I think most of us agreed we'd rather ride at Chadwick or trails in AR, but the nice thing about an open-format riding area (like Disney, School Creek, Randolph, Perry, etc, etc.) is that you can create all kinds of small, repetitive loops to play and work on skills. You can do a jump over and over until you get comfortable. I need that kind of exercise, and you don't get that riding down a long trail that is several miles long because each obstacle is a new, unknown, danger--forcing me to ride cautiously.
Anyway, I would not hesitate to do another camp & ride event at Disney....but let's see what we want to do for the next adventure! After all, I need more events to hang my banner up!
All things considered, I had a good time riding the trails at Disney. I tend to agree with Joe in that I prefer to ride designated trails where things are always changing and you're not repeating obstacles, but it is fun to do that kind of riding once in a while. Playing around on the rocks and in the half-pipe was a good time. I think I would be more inclined to do a return trip if it were a little bit closer. The terrain in that area is pretty cool and I think most of us agreed that if we lived closer it would be cool to cut some motorcycle-specific trails in that area. It seems the rock-crawler traffic through there made many of the climbs and descents nearly or completely impossible (or dangerous to attempt) for the motorcycles. (Not a problem, since it IS primarily a rock-crawler area.)
It was good to put some names with some faces from the forum too. I'm looking forward to the next ride already! Especially if Troy brings his banner!

Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 21:38
by safiri
Great to make new friends, reaquaint with others, and ride some very unique terrain.
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 31 Oct 2012 15:02
by Foster
There it is guys. That's all my photos from our trip. Way to many as usual but if I spent more time editing then I would have less time for riding and I see that as completely unreasonable
It was a great trip. I enjoyed meeting everyone and had a great time. Perhaps next time I will spend a more time with the rubber side of my bike on the ground

and not quite so far behind everyone.
Thanks for a good ride! I can't wait until the next one!
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 31 Oct 2012 19:56
by Rusty Jug
Love the pics, that looked like a blast, need to make that trip next year, never been so it's a must go! I loved the chat piles in 80's in north east OK, did some fun on a RM 500!
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 03 Nov 2012 12:56
by troy
Check out the 14.5 minute compilation video I made!
I have a higher quality version to share with those that were there. Just let me know if you want it.
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 03 Nov 2012 18:23
by Rusty Jug
Nice video! Loved it! Always need a production camera guy on every run!
Re: October 26-28: Off-Road at Disney, OK
Posted: 03 Nov 2012 19:25
by Bob Morgan
Sounds to me like Troy needs to add a little more to his signature................................
safety 3rd
why did you follow me?