Sep 22, 2012: Mark Twain Dualsport
Posted: 04 Sep 2012 21:18
This 1st post will always be updated to include the current, important information you need to know regarding this ride.
Link, the proprietor of Link's Freeman Off-Road Resort, sent me an email today to invite us to a dualsport ride he is leading on Saturday, September 22, 2012.
Link normally leads gnarly off-road rides, but he is branching out into dualsport rides as well. He picked up an old KLR, fixed it up, and is ready to show folks the great forest roads, old logging roads, and many creek crossings in the Mark Twain forest where he lives near Bunker, MO in Reynold's County. If I know Link, he might show us a cave or 2 or a herd of Elk.
Link's place is a little more than 5 hours from Kansas City, so you'd want to go out the night before. Link has cabins we can stay in for about $20/person. He also has a nice shower & toilet house. Link normally has a guide fee of $20/person/day, but on this ride, Link is waiving the guide fee if we will give him honest feedback on the ride experience at the end of the day. He is working to develop a few great dualsport routes to use in the future, and wants our help.
The plan is to haul the bikes to Link's place. We will leave the KC metro as early as possible on Friday after work. Folks need to coordinate how they are getting there. We'll wake up Sat morning ready to follow Link as he leads us on a great dualsport ride in the Mark Twain. The route will go deeper than easy gravel roads, but should be suitable for larger dualsport bikes and even large adventure bikes. I don't expect the miles to be all that long, so really, any street-legal, off-pavement worthy motorcycle will work.
It takes a little more than 5 hours to drive from the metro to Link's place. This leaves time on Sunday morning to go for a half day ride and still return home by 7pm. Anyone hauling out with me can expect to ride Sun and hit the road for home between 1 and 2pm.
Link has 3 cabins. In total, there are 17 beds/bunks. There is some limited bedding provided, but bring your own sleeping bag & pillow. Link has a very nice shower/toilet house with separate men & women's sides. He also has a full motorcycle repair shop on site--that's what he does.
$40 Lodging Fri & Sat night ($20/night/person)
$0 Guide fee for Sat (waived--read above)
$40 PLUS whatever you spend on food and gas. If you plan to use the lodging, bring $40 cash for Link.
The closest "town" is Bunker, MO. It has a restaurant where we usually have dinner. Let's just say Anthony Bourdain ain't featuring this place on his show. Actually, the burger aint bad. It is the only place I've ever seen a buffet where almost every item was fried. I'm not joking. The vegetables, the meats--everything breaded and deep-fried.
Link probably has plans to hit a cafe or sandwich place for lunch on Sat during the ride. I'll let you know for sure. I do recommend you pack some trail bars for the ride.
Breakfast -- if we have enough folks, we can all pitch in about $5 each to have a lady come to Link's and make a hot breakfast for us on Sat. Another $5 if we want it on Sun, too. We need to know a few days ahead of time, though, as Link needs to pick up groceries and arrange for the cook. So let me know your thoughts.
From experience riding the area and particularly in following Link, I can tell you there will be creek crossings--some of which can be daunting on a big bike depending on the water levels. NO WORRIES! TO DATE, we've never actually lost a bike or rider on these rides! Remember, there is ALWAYS the option to backtrack, go around, bail, etc. This part of the Mark Twain and the forest roads, old logging roads, and creeks are incredibly scenic. You won't regret the trip.
With my truck and safiri's trailer, I can haul 4 people and up to 6 bikes depending on how big the bikes are. Who else can volunteer a rig to get more folks out there?
Also, if anyone has the time to ride to Link's, by all means, do so! Just get to Link's by 9AM Sat for the ride--and make sure we know you are coming. Come ride all day Saturday then hang out at the bonfire Saturday night!
Link, the proprietor of Link's Freeman Off-Road Resort, sent me an email today to invite us to a dualsport ride he is leading on Saturday, September 22, 2012.
Link normally leads gnarly off-road rides, but he is branching out into dualsport rides as well. He picked up an old KLR, fixed it up, and is ready to show folks the great forest roads, old logging roads, and many creek crossings in the Mark Twain forest where he lives near Bunker, MO in Reynold's County. If I know Link, he might show us a cave or 2 or a herd of Elk.
Link's place is a little more than 5 hours from Kansas City, so you'd want to go out the night before. Link has cabins we can stay in for about $20/person. He also has a nice shower & toilet house. Link normally has a guide fee of $20/person/day, but on this ride, Link is waiving the guide fee if we will give him honest feedback on the ride experience at the end of the day. He is working to develop a few great dualsport routes to use in the future, and wants our help.
The plan is to haul the bikes to Link's place. We will leave the KC metro as early as possible on Friday after work. Folks need to coordinate how they are getting there. We'll wake up Sat morning ready to follow Link as he leads us on a great dualsport ride in the Mark Twain. The route will go deeper than easy gravel roads, but should be suitable for larger dualsport bikes and even large adventure bikes. I don't expect the miles to be all that long, so really, any street-legal, off-pavement worthy motorcycle will work.
It takes a little more than 5 hours to drive from the metro to Link's place. This leaves time on Sunday morning to go for a half day ride and still return home by 7pm. Anyone hauling out with me can expect to ride Sun and hit the road for home between 1 and 2pm.
Link has 3 cabins. In total, there are 17 beds/bunks. There is some limited bedding provided, but bring your own sleeping bag & pillow. Link has a very nice shower/toilet house with separate men & women's sides. He also has a full motorcycle repair shop on site--that's what he does.
$40 Lodging Fri & Sat night ($20/night/person)
$0 Guide fee for Sat (waived--read above)
$40 PLUS whatever you spend on food and gas. If you plan to use the lodging, bring $40 cash for Link.
The closest "town" is Bunker, MO. It has a restaurant where we usually have dinner. Let's just say Anthony Bourdain ain't featuring this place on his show. Actually, the burger aint bad. It is the only place I've ever seen a buffet where almost every item was fried. I'm not joking. The vegetables, the meats--everything breaded and deep-fried.
Link probably has plans to hit a cafe or sandwich place for lunch on Sat during the ride. I'll let you know for sure. I do recommend you pack some trail bars for the ride.
Breakfast -- if we have enough folks, we can all pitch in about $5 each to have a lady come to Link's and make a hot breakfast for us on Sat. Another $5 if we want it on Sun, too. We need to know a few days ahead of time, though, as Link needs to pick up groceries and arrange for the cook. So let me know your thoughts.
From experience riding the area and particularly in following Link, I can tell you there will be creek crossings--some of which can be daunting on a big bike depending on the water levels. NO WORRIES! TO DATE, we've never actually lost a bike or rider on these rides! Remember, there is ALWAYS the option to backtrack, go around, bail, etc. This part of the Mark Twain and the forest roads, old logging roads, and creeks are incredibly scenic. You won't regret the trip.
With my truck and safiri's trailer, I can haul 4 people and up to 6 bikes depending on how big the bikes are. Who else can volunteer a rig to get more folks out there?
Also, if anyone has the time to ride to Link's, by all means, do so! Just get to Link's by 9AM Sat for the ride--and make sure we know you are coming. Come ride all day Saturday then hang out at the bonfire Saturday night!