Charity ride 7-22-12
Posted: 21 Jul 2012 08:50

*****************1st Annual Teddy Bear Run ***************
Motorcycle Ride - Fund Raiser
**This is a family friendly event...even if you don't ride...we have plenty of stuff to do for the kids also**
We put this ride together to raise money to purchase Teddy Bears and clothing for Childrens Mercy Hosptital. We all have a soft spot for kids, but when we found out that often times they come into the hospital with no clothes or a Teddy Bear to help them feel safe, that just touched our hearts. So we embarked on a journey to find a way to make these kids feel a little better by giving them something to keep them warm (clothes), and something to help them feel safe...the Teddy Bear. Many of you on this forum know me, and if you do then you know how big of a heart I have when it comes to giving. Nothing makes me smile more than to give to the children. So if you ride then bring your bike and ride with us on July 22nd, 2012 and help us with this awesome cause! This ride is sponsored by my organization the Voodoo Misfits and it is endorsed by Children's Mercy Hospital. So come on guys and girls, let's show these kids how much we care!!!!!!!
Here is the FB link to the event: http://www.facebook....59093367473141/
Date - July 22nd, 2012
Time - Registration for the ride starts at 8am, kickstands up at 11am.
Place - Belvoir Winery (Historic OddFellows Home)
1325 OddFellows Road
Liberty, Missouri 64068
The ride will end back at the OddFellows Home and there will be BBQ, Live Music, a bad ass Stunt show!!!!! We are going to have some vendors out there Showcasing their merchandise. There will be a raffle also. It will be alot of fun...Let's do this!!
We have had many items offered for the raffle so get some tickets when you get there!!