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Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 23 May 2012 08:43
by twerth
I'm packing up the family and all our bikes and heading to Chadwick for a few days next week. We've rented a cabin near the ORV area and are planning to spend some quality time tearing it up.
This will be our first time at Chadwick, so any hints, tips or things to avoid? Your input is appreciated.
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 23 May 2012 08:59
by troy
If you are renting these cabins, you'll love them--great cabins and location.
I'm not a Chadwick expert, but I can tell you that Chadwick eats dirt bikes. I've done more damage to my bikes at Chadwick than anywhere else I ride. Plenty of steep, rock ledge hill climbs to send the bike tumbling end over end back down! ...not that I've done that or anything.
I guess I'd warn you to be cautious with the trail repair paver stones they have there. You'll come across sections that were eroding so they repaired them by basically putting in concrete sidewalks to ride on. Those sections suck and can be steep and slick.
Oh, and you'll have a blast!
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 23 May 2012 10:16
by safiri
twerth wrote:I'm packing up the family and all our bikes and heading to Chadwick
Pretty sure the Ducati is not the weapon of choice for Chadwick ...
Been once and it was much better than what I expected. Would like to go back. The group basically just explored and took any trail we saw. I carried a GPS in my pack just in case and never used it. I would imagine poison ivy will be all over ...
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 23 May 2012 17:29
by Bob Morgan
Like Troy said........... lots of places to get between a Rock and a Hard Spot, which is usually another rock.

Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 24 May 2012 08:04
by twerth
safiri wrote:Pretty sure the Ducati is not the weapon of choice for Chadwick ...
What it lacks in ground clearance, it makes up for with horsepower

Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 25 May 2012 17:15
by allkidd
Probably my favorite place to ride but watch out because every trail will inevitably get into some rough terrain. With the heat like this take lots of most likely will have places where either you fall or have to get off the bike to get around and this is more tiring than the actual riding. Last year a beginner died, not from a fall, but from being lost by himself and trying to hike out and eventually dying of dehydration.
Having said this, with proper precautions and common sense, Chadwick is a great place to ride.
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 27 May 2012 09:41
by twerth
That's where we're staying. Looks good on the website.
I'll have the wife and kids along, so I probably won't get too deep or extreme, but I did get into the far end of Perry a couple of weeks ago and had a hard time finding my way out. allkidd's warning will be heeded!
I'll post some pictures when we get back. Thanks for the input!
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 27 May 2012 12:23
by clfarren5944
I was down there last Wed. and Thur. Riding a Trials bike is like cheating. Almost every trail has some very difficult spots due to having to re-route sections out of the creek bottoms. Still my favorite place to ride in the mid west and has been for over 40 years!
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 27 May 2012 19:09
by twerth
clfarren5944, you used to have an ST3? Why'd you sell, if you don't mind me asking. I love my 4s. It's the best road bike I've owned, and I've had a few. I've ridden it to Colorado a couple of times, to Arkansas a few times, and this summer I'm riding it to Minnesota. Sweet ride on the hiway

Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 28 May 2012 16:16
by clfarren5944
I sold the Ducati and the KTM last summer. Wasn't using them enough to justify. The Ducati was magic from about 70mph and up but I wasn't touring and ended up using the Dual Sport around town. Ducati free for the first time in many years. Also since Letko quit handling them I didn't want to have to go out to Reno's for parts or service. So, for the first time in my riding career, I bought a Harley!
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 01 Jun 2012 12:17
by twerth
Sorry to say, I didn't get any good pictures this week, but the riding was fantastic!! Looks like I've got a new favorite place to ride. Too bad it's a four hour drive to get there.
There's a lot of rough stuff, and I saw quite a few broken bike parts (kick starter, case guard, etc.) laying around on the trail. I left a clutch lever there myself

No major catastrophes to report although my daughter got pitched off her four-wheeler twice. It ran over her both times, but no damage done. Just some nice bruises and a couple of scrapes. She's a real trooper.
The cabins were great, the trails were beautiful and the weather was perfect! We'll be back.
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 03 Jun 2012 19:41
by stimmer6253472
I was there the week before last. After 30 years of riding there I still enjoy Chadwick. Everyone says it is all quaded out but I don't think it is bad. Lots of good trails if you know where to look. Got gps tracks of most every legal and non legal trail at the place if you ever need them.
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 04 Jun 2012 13:21
by allkidd
Jim, Do you have GPS tracks of the single track? I was there on Friday and found more ST...either they are putting in more or I'm finding new trails every time down there.
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 04 Jun 2012 13:46
by stimmer6253472
allkidd wrote:Jim, Do you have GPS tracks of the single track? I was there on Friday and found more ST...either they are putting in more or I'm finding new trails every time down there.
Yep. I should have most of the single track mapped. Post up an email address and I will forward you a copy of my Chadwick file. If you have tracks as well send me any single track I don't have. I have ridden it all but I don't always carry my GPS since I know my way around good there.
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 04 Jun 2012 13:59
by troy
I vote Jim to lead a Chadwick ride soon!

Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 05 Jun 2012 07:58
by stimmer6253472
troy wrote:I vote Jim to lead a Chadwick ride soon!

Let's do it!!
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 05 Jun 2012 21:35
by stimmer6253472
Here is a file with most of the trails at Chadwick. A lot of single track in there. Some labeled, some not.
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
Posted: 05 Jun 2012 21:42
by stimmer6253472
And here is one where I tried to clean up the various trails. Didn't get far.