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5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 07 May 2012 06:15
by ozarksrider
So, I've got this dvd called "Dual Sport Riding Techniques" that has some drills I want to practice. I also need to work on my wheelies.

I'm going to take both a big and small bike, but not sure where I'll go. Some place with a hill climb would be nice.
If anyone is interested in going let me know. I'm not gonna lead a class, I'm not qualified, but will share the stuff I'm gonna work on. Sunday works best for me as it will give me Saturday to find some tires for my trailer.
Below is a link to the DSR site. Great DVD, the riding footage is pretty cool. ... ducts_id=4
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 07 May 2012 12:51
by kendall_smith
It might be a good idea to load up the bikes and go out to Milford Lake to do some obstacle practice. It's a good place to go in the sense that it has a nice variety of terrain for different skill levels and abilities and if you get in over your head, there is almost always an easier way back to safety.
I was telling Nick that we need to go out there for the same reason. He was talking about doing some off-road riding to build his confidence and I immediately thought about Milford. Actually, it is where I taught Alissa how to ride and I think it worked out perfect for that. I think it might be good to get a group together on the dual sports and go hit the trails.
The only downside is that it is a bit far, but if that doesn't bother you it could work out well.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 07 May 2012 19:31
by Foster
I would love to go too! If every weekend for my foreseeable future wasn't already booked. If you guys do this again or in July I am in!!!! Sounds like a blast!
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 07 May 2012 20:13
by ajayhawkfan
Those are good DVDs. I have both and there is a lot of good information on them.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 07 May 2012 21:29
by ozarksrider
I was hoping someone would suggest a place. Thanks Kendall. Milford it is. I'm out most of this week so I can't do much planning until Friday so for now...
Place: Milford
Date: 5/13
Time: 9am (earlier if I drive up the night before)
If anyone wants to join me let me know and I'll watch for you.
Foster, I think you should unbook something else and go!
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 07 May 2012 21:34
by Foster
To ride with you guys I would consider it under most circumstances but I have family coming in from Australia and I just can't make it happen. Y'all have a blast though and let me know how it is! We will definitely have to do it again this summer!!! Post pictures and videos again so I can continue to live vicariously through you guys for yet another weekend!!
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 08 May 2012 07:02
by Hank Moody
You do realize that this Sunday is Mother's Day and there is no way most of us can get a pass to ride. Just saying....
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 08 May 2012 07:09
by Hank Moody
If you want to improve your skills I would strongly encourage you to take a class from Shane Watts, see the link
Four of us took his class a couple of years ago and it was money well spent. He also has free video clips and DVDs for sale. Plus he has mad skills on a bike and your jaw will be hanging open watching him ride a bike.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 08 May 2012 07:10
by Foster
The trick is to live half way across the country from your mom and not have any kids.

Or give the gift of a nice relaxing quite weekend. Tell her to go spend a day at the spa. She doesn't have to know what you are up to while she is at the spa

Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 08 May 2012 09:31
by kendall_smith
Foster wrote:The trick is to live half way across the country from your mom and not have any kids.

Or give the gift of a nice relaxing quite weekend. Tell her to go spend a day at the spa. She doesn't have to know what you are up to while she is at the spa

LOL! That sounds like a good plan!
Chris- I think Alissa and I might be in. We were thinking of taking the camper and making a weekend of it, so if we end up doing that, you're more than welcome to take the extra bed Saturday night if you want. I'll let you know what we decide for sure and we can iron out the plans at that point.
We've been wanting to go to Milford for a while since I did those mods to Alissa's KLX since she is comfortable there when it comes to "off road" type riding. It should be a good test of the bike's trail abilities in a controlled environment. Not to mention, it might be a good time for me to finish breaking in my new KTM, so this should work out well for us.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 08 May 2012 09:32
by kendall_smith
Hank Moody wrote:If you want to improve your skills I would strongly encourage you to take a class from Shane Watts, see the link
Four of us took his class a couple of years ago and it was money well spent. He also has free video clips and DVDs for sale. Plus he has mad skills on a bike and your jaw will be hanging open watching him ride a bike.
I definitely want to do this. One of these days, I will have to get serious about it.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 09 May 2012 05:39
by ozarksrider
Yeah, Mothers day isn't too big a deal at our house so I'm good to go.
As for riding schools, yes I want to go but was thinking more along these lines...
Kendall, if I come up Saturday it will be in the evening and likely we will find a cabin or hotel nearby. That will give my girlfriend a place to hang out while I"m doing motorbike stuff. Let me know if you guys decide to go for sure.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 09 May 2012 07:08
by kendall_smith
We'll be there for sure. We're going to head out that way Friday afternoon and camp somewhere near the riding area all weekend. We might even ride a bit on Saturday too.
We'll plan on seeing you at the riding area at 9:00 on Sunday. Looking forward to it!
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 11 May 2012 19:54
by kendall_smith
Just a head's up-we're sitting in our pop up at Curtis Creek campground watching it rain pretty good. Not sure if it is enough to ruin the riding area for the weekend or not. We'll know better tomorrow for anyone coming Sunday- I'll update this thread if it is bad.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 11 May 2012 21:16
by ozarksrider
Cool, thanks. It's gonna have to be pretty bad to keep me home though.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 11 May 2012 21:40
by kendall_smith
I'll give an update after tomorrow's ride. If you guys come and you're bored over at that cabin, you're welcome to come over and hang out at our camp. We're at Curtis Creek campground, loop B, site # 8.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 12 May 2012 14:05
by kendall_smith
Came back for lunch break and thought I'd update the thread. It's a little bit slimy in spots, but it might actually be perfect tomorrow if we don't get any more rain.
Also, we're in the same campground/loop, but now we're in spot 23 instead of 8.
Re: 5/13/12 Practicing Dual Sport Riding Techniques
Posted: 12 May 2012 18:48
by ozarksrider
Sounds good, sent you a pm. See you in the am.