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Planning to ride School Creek on Saturday, March 3rd
Posted: 28 Feb 2012 22:19
by KC
Me and a couple friends will be riding at School Creek Saturday if anyone else wants to join us. It's been a long time since I've been able to ride there so I hope the weather holds up. Most of the rain today skirted around the Milford Lake area but there is another chance for some precip on Friday. If anybody can get eyes on the ground over there, please let us know what it looks like!
I figure I'll get there around 10AM and ride most of the day.
Re: Planning to ride School Creek on Saturday, March 3rd
Posted: 01 Mar 2012 07:21
by Stu
Junction City received 0.02" of rain. (Perry Lake got 1.28" by comparison.) Friday looks like a brief shower at best (20% chance at that). I would say you would have a good ride on Saturday.
I was there Sunday and there was very little mud even back in the NW corner where there are three depressions that seem to always have deep mud. There was some but not a lot.
I was thinking about riding there again on Sunday. Not sure about changing that to Saturday. If I do I will definitely look you up and ride with you!
Re: Planning to ride School Creek on Saturday, March 3rd
Posted: 02 Mar 2012 15:14
by Stu
Junction City received 0.01" and we had 0.09". It might still be somewhat dusty out at Milford tomorrow. Rick is coming down Sunday from NE so I will probably join him. You can always come back and ride some more.
Re: Planning to ride School Creek on Saturday, March 3rd
Posted: 02 Mar 2012 19:01
by KC
Stu, I was already thinking about coming back out on Sunday before I saw your last post. I may do that as I am home all by my lonesome this weekend...I'll see how it goes tomorrow and how I feel Sunday morning.

Re: Planning to ride School Creek on Saturday, March 3rd
Posted: 04 Mar 2012 08:42
by KC
Had a great ride yesterday and the weather was near perfect. Not going to make a return trip today.
Re: Planning to ride School Creek on Saturday, March 3rd
Posted: 05 Mar 2012 07:07
by Rick
Had a good time Stu, Mark and Dave. Thanks for inviting me. What is the schedule next weekend?
Mark, check out
Re: Planning to ride School Creek on Saturday, March 3rd
Posted: 05 Mar 2012 09:27
by Stu
You are right. Yesterday's ride was really fun. I've been sending information to Mark on KTMs he might consider now that he has his Honda sold. He and I will get together tonight after he finishes. Celebrate and look at his KTM options.
If we do not get too much rain this week next weekend's race will be fun as well. However there is a prediction for rain for Sunday. Wait and see.