(Added by Troy)
RideForum.NET Ozarks Trail Ride
This has traditionally been a "hard-core" trail ride using forest roads to connect ATV trails. This year, it appears we'll have a big bike contingency that will do more of a forest road route--you can't beat these roads! So there will be riding to be enjoyed by all--heck, bring your cruiser or sport bike and hit the "Pig Tail Trail" of Hwy 23 and make a loop with Hwy 21 out of Clarksville--both have hairpin switchbacks and twisties galore!
Friday, September 28 - Sunday, September 30
Many people will show up Thursday to get some early riding in.
Ozark National Forest, near Cass, Arkansas
http://maps.yahoo.com/#mvt=m&q1=Cass%2C ... 7557&mag=6
Byrd's River Retreat
This Yahoo Map pinpoints the cabin's location -- click here
This is a rustic cabin on the Mulberry RIver that sleeps 12. It ain't the Marriot, but it works great for a bunch of dusty trail riders. The river is great for cooling off after a long ride!
David H. has been kind enough to reserve, pre-pay, and manage the lodging situation. Please contact David H if you want to reserve a spot--if any are left. The cabin is reserved Thurs, Fri, & Sat night. The cost will be around $20/night--maybe less--per person. Whether you stay one or 3 nights, you will pay your share of all three nights. So plan on about $60 to stay in the cabin. Bring cash or check to pay David H on arrival if you have not already paid him.
Folks have volunteered to bring cereal, milk, and frozen entrees along with some other items. For more info on the food situation, read the thread.
NOTE: To download route files, right-click and choose Save Link As.
You basically can't go wrong in this forest--just head down any road and take any turn you see. You'll come across trail markers for those that want to hit ATV trails--travel at your own risk! We have a bunch of fantastic routes from years past.
For the big bike routes:
Contact David HDavid H wrote:The big dual sport routes were done by Larry M and I and are ready to ride. Our routes are just to be used as a template, so if you would happen to see something you can't resist, go for it! Our routes are complete and will give you a nice ride if you wish to follow them to the end, but again we are all exploring so do what ever seems right. Give me your e mail address and I will send them to you if you desire.
Contact Troy Wolf
For the trail riders, I am offering 7 routes. Some of you may have your own routes--RIDE WHAT YOU WANT!

The 2 main trail systems close to us are the:
Mill Creek Trail System
http://www.fs.fed.us/oonf/ozark/recreat ... creek.html
Huckleberry Mountain Trail System
http://www.fs.fed.us/oonf/ozark/recreat ... berry.html
You can download all my routes in a single Garmin GDB file here:
Or you can download individual GPX-format route files in the descriptions below. Unless otherwise noted, all the routes are a mix of gravel forest roads and ATV trails with minimal pavement.
13 Miles
This route takes you from the cabin to the Mill Creek ATV Trail System.
11 Miles
Another route that takes you from the cabin to the Mill Creek ATV Trail System.
51 Miles
This is a really long route that takes you from the cabin to the Mill Creek ATV Trail System. It takes you down around Shores Lake, up by White Rock Mtn (2nd highest peak in AR), down a fantastic Jeep road to Combs, where you get food and gas. From Combs, it's a short ride to the main entrance of the Mill Creek ATV Trail System.
46 Miles
I modified Sean's original FUNRUN slightly. I eliminated the loop at the very beginning opting instead to cruise up the pigtrail (Hwy 23) to the trail head. I turned the old beginning loop into my "Short" route. The FUNRUN is, in my opinion, about as good as it gets! This is a fantastic ride and will wear you out. It is not for the faint of heart.
11 Miles
This is a simple loop that combines some trails and forest road to do a loop near the cabin. It used to be the first part of the FUNRUN.
42 miles
This is a very fun route from the Cabin to Clarksville. It includes that long, winding, gravel downhill with all the whoops! It takes you around Horsehead Lake. This is a route you can take if you are heading all the way down to the Huckleberry Mountain Horse Trails 20 miles south of Clarksville. (See "2Huck") This route includes some great trails, forest roads, and a fair amount of pavement.
19 Miles of mostly pavement. This route is simply a way to get to the Huckleberry Mountain Horse/ATV trails. This trail system is the home of the "bitch" hill that has left its mark on many a bike and rider....just ask our own KC!
Hayden's original post:
I know its early for this but wondering if its crossed your minds yet. We had a great time this last Sep and wondering if its going to happen agian?
I am planning to hit the Mulberry Mountain Music Festival again this year (sept 22-23) and the following weekend is when we had the fall ride. I may stay down all week like last year if this happens.