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Sat, Nov 20: Westphalia, KS Ghost Towns Ride
Posted: 19 Nov 2010 15:34
by troy
This is last minute, but some of us plan to do this ride posted over on Backroads Touring Kansas:
Re: Sat, Nov 20: Westphalia, KS Ghost Towns Ride
Posted: 20 Nov 2010 20:49
by phil denk
A great group, an awesome track and good weather. Special thanks to Larry for putting the ride together. Special thanks to Tom and Deana for their assistance and support.
Finally got to meet Troy and the AquaStrom; a truly inspiring performance......
Re: Sat, Nov 20: Westphalia, KS Ghost Towns Ride
Posted: 20 Nov 2010 23:04
by bird man
Thanks to everyone who came to ride , the great goup of guys made it a fun day. We all enjoyed a nice day,riding, and meeting old and new friends.
Phil.... thanks for keeping the road tidy by picking up the nails. just kidding . To do things over I should have brought the whole group to your location rather than wait, sorry. I'll know next time. Glad you came along.
Re: Sat, Nov 20: Westphalia, KS Ghost Towns Ride
Posted: 21 Nov 2010 02:26
by troy
Kudos to ride leader Larry! We had a total of 16 riders--a big group! Bikes included Honda 230s to KTM 450s to KLRs, a BMW F800GS, a KTM 990, Yamaha WR250R, Husqvarna TE610, and my Vstrom.
3 rock bottom water crossings added excitement and a chance to wash some of the mud off. We rode through a lot of concrete low water crossings although all of them were dry this time. Larry offered the low-fender, big bike crowd an alternate route at one muddy 4 mile minimum maintenance section. Glad I took his advice as the KTM 990 rider did not and ended up digging mud out of a stuck front tire within a few hundred feet. Good times!

Larry even threw in some pasture riding and some guys got to enjoy terrace jumping!
Lunch at the Country Cafe in Colony, KS was enjoyable. Eddie (ajayhawkfan) even drove over to meet us for lunch and BS about bikes and such.
Jason & Daryl, thanks for sharing the road trip down to Westphalia--great to meet you Jason.
phil denk wrote:Finally got to meet Troy and the AquaStrom; a truly inspiring performance......
Likewise, Phil! Good to finally meet you--glad you are a part of the forum and the dualsport community. I had a great time except I left my tank bag open after one of the rest stops and some of the rusty nails in my rare rusty nail collection fell out. I heard you may have found one of them--I'd like it back if you don't mind.
My photos are online here.
Re: Sat, Nov 20: Westphalia, KS Ghost Towns Ride
Posted: 21 Nov 2010 09:49
by JasonK94Z
Larry, thank you for coordintating such an awesome ride.
Troy, Daryl, thanks for riding down there with me. I probably would have ended up lost without you guys. Lets keep in touch, riding or not. Winter is coming, but that doesn't meen a lunch can't be organized
I hate to admit this, and I don't think Daryl saw it on our way home. I waited to drop my bike when I was on the way home leaving the gas station. Started to pull out onto the street, saw a car come out of nowhere, locked the front tire, front tire went in a crack in the concrete, and I fell over

I was ok, the bars on the bike are tweaked and made riding the rest of the way that much more interesting.
Re: Sat, Nov 20: Westphalia, KS Ghost Towns Ride
Posted: 21 Nov 2010 21:45
by ICRider
Thanks for leading another great ride. What a surprise to see that many riders show up this time of year. Enjoyed meeting some of our fellow riders from up KC way. Maybe the weather will hold on and we can have one more chance for a last ride of the year?
Re: Sat, Nov 20: Westphalia, KS Ghost Towns Ride
Posted: 22 Nov 2010 07:44
by Hank Moody
Larry thanks for putting on the ride! I had a great time and I appreciate all the help getting F800 up right after my close inspection of the soil composition of that field
Jason, I totally missed you dumping it coming out of the gas station. I hope you and the KLR are no worse for the wear. I will be trying to get all the mud off of the F800 later today.
Re: Sat, Nov 20: Westphalia, KS Ghost Towns Ride
Posted: 22 Nov 2010 08:05
by JasonK94Z
The fall at the gas station hurt my pride more than anything else.
Either my bars are tweaked now, or I'm gonna have to loosen the clamps to untweak the forks this week. I hope it's the bars, I need an excuse to get some Renthal Jimmy Button bars for my tall self.