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2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 20 Oct 2010 12:49
by david h
YES the ride is gonna happen. Thursday March 31 thru April 2 2011 are the dates. Thursday is a short afternoon ride as usual. Probably over in Missouri in and around Mark Twain Nat'l forest.
Just as a little legal disclaimer--------- this ride is nothing more than a group of like minded people getting together to celebrate life. No groups or people are in charge, and what you do at this ride is totally up to you. YOU are responsible for what you do or don't do as far as attending goes. We all want to ride and have fun, so smile, be nice, and be safe.
Motel is the same place with a new name. Americas Best Value inn 479 363 6540. when you call say "Hillbilly ride" to get the group rate of 46$ which will include a little better breakfast this year.
Practice up on your yee haws, and yodeling. David H
More info to follow as time gets closer. look back at past years ride reports to get a feel for this event/non event.
David Hemphill
Husky TE450-DR650-DL1000
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 17 Nov 2010 14:45
by JasonK94Z
Whats on the agenda for Saturday? I may be able to round up a couple of friends, but we wouldn't be able to show up until Friday afternoon.
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 18 Nov 2010 17:51
by david h
Jason come on down. I will help get you lined up with a route or two to choose from. People are spread out on lots of different routes. Some going clockwise and others doing the same route counterclockwise. You should be able to just tag along if that's what you want also. Someone in every group has to be good with a gps cause its very hard to follow a map with out stopping all the time, and even then you will still get lost cause the roads are a bit curvy

You would have time to do a short ride Sun and still get back to KC before dark. Usually Sunday for me is a rest day cause at 59 yrs 500 miles of dual sport riding is plenty.
PM me you phone # if you would like to talk
No matter where you decide to ride you are going to have fun, David H
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 26 Feb 2011 07:02
by david h
Here is a file to download if you want. It was made as a gpx. file using the newest version of Mapsource. City naviagator NT is the map I used.
Judea 1 & 2 Go together to form this days ride. This is the ride most people will want to try. It's 196 miles long. 3 semi tough sections but a good rider on a 1200 GS would do fine, unless its muddy

. Lunch and gas at Mt. Judea (judy in hillbilly speak). Clock wise is easier and lunch will be before noon. Counter clock wise is a bit more fun for me cause you will be going up hill on the tough sections. Lunch would be about 1-2 pm going this way. Be sure to check out the area on the south end of the route that goes out and back to the main loop. A neat fire tower and several roads and trails back in there.
Judea 3 & 4 were put together for riders going 2 up or groups with less experience on trails. It skips the rough stuff and has approx. 30 more miles of asphalt . It does almost the same route so gas and food will be in the same spots. It also goes by the Elk heard area by Ponca.
Short 1 &2 are both short routes right around Eureka. I like to ride #2 on Thursday afternoon. It goes into Missouri to Mark Twain nat'l forest. When you get up on top at NF197 take some of the side roads. I tried to mark the road that has some serious trails on it. I would only try them if you have the skills and a good bike. The rest of the ride has quite a bit of asphalt, but it's still nice and scenic.
It gives you several nice views of Beaver Lake. #1 is mostly gravel and is a fun ride. While going thru the wildlife management area try some of the side roads.
see ya there, David H
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 26 Feb 2011 09:25
by david h
Here is another days worth. All the easy routes make for a good ride without any real serious riding involved. a little asphalt, a bunch of gravel and forest roads. This is what you should do unless you just want more of the difficult stuff. Lunch is at Oark or Catalpa. I like Catalpa alot its about 3 miles east of Oark on asphalt. If you go there check out the rickety foot bridge over the Mulberry river. Keep you eyes peeled it is somewhat hard to see riding by at 50 mph. The addition up to Whiterock is worth the extra 20 miles it will take. 172 miles without whiterock, 192 with it.
The hero routes are similar only they have several tough sections. the right rider could take a big bike but he would not enjoy it. My Dr650 has been on all this stuff and made it okay. The route goes right past Mill Creek OHV area and you should check it out. You would want to be a good rider to go there. If you want to spend more time there either ride 23 highway down to 16 and head east till you hit the route to start. That should give you at least another hour on the trails. Or you could ride hero possum creek home backwards to get there and you would have 4/5 hrs to ride trails. If you need gas while riding there you could go to Crosses, St. Paul,or Turners Bend. Food at Combs is good, Turners bend has sandwiches.
Later, David H
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 26 Feb 2011 09:31
by david h
Some sorta old info on Mill creek
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 26 Feb 2011 09:33
by david h
tracks for mill creek
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 12 Mar 2011 08:52
by david h
I have room for someone at the motel and in my truck/trailer to get there. Gas going up like it has has me thinking having someone to split the bill with might not be a bad idea. I live 2 miles south of Lawrence and would want to leave about 6 to 7 am on Thursday and be back about 1 pm Sunday.
Let me know if you want to do this, David H
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 22 Mar 2011 02:32
by david h
Thursday we just meet up at the motel when ever you get there to form groups. I will be there around 1 pm. Riders meetings will be Friday and Saturday at 7:30 am at the meeting room at the back of the motel. There will be coffee if you want or need some. There will be a sign up sheet and a map with stick pins so we can get an idea where everyone is from. There are no fees, the sigh up just might come in handy if you hurt yourself and we need to contact your wife/girl friend or whom every you write down.Shocked
Groups will be put together at the meetings if you need to have a guided tour. rider skill, speed and what kind of riding you want should all be considered when picking a group.
See you soon, David H
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 20 Apr 2011 15:56
by troy
Any follow-up regarding this ride?
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 30 Apr 2011 21:21
by phil denk
Finally got around to uploading some photos. I guess the lack of responce can be attributed to the general assumption is that this ride is always a blast and nothing further needs to be said...
Anyway, Dave put together some great tracks and disspite a bump in the weather on Friday, the riding was perfect. IMHO this is the best way to open a new riding season and NE Ark. is one of the best riding areas within a few hours of KC...
Thanks again Dave!!! ... yRide2011#
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 30 Apr 2011 23:08
by david h
My excuse for not doing a report is pretty poor , but here goes.
1. My dog ate it.
2. my hand got injured so I can,t type or write.
3. I figured someone else should do it.
4. I had such a good time I couldn't remember enough to fill a page, camp fire beverages might have something to do with that.
5. I was just too lazy and have done it for 8 years before this. It goes without saying it was a good weekend and we don't need no stinkin report.
You should pick the one you think is correct and just give me hell about it
Here is closer to the truth ! The Eureka springs Hillbilly ride was great. Approx 85 to 145 riders showed up. We keep it low key on the setup so as to make people more responsible for them selves. I had a sign up sheet and a map to stick a pin where you live, but word didn't get around too well so only 85 signed up. I talked with maybe 40 more who had no idea about the sigh up. Our main motel has 55 rooms and it was full. other people camped and stayed at other motels plus we had maybe 10 locals who just showed up. The final number will remain a mystery.
Weather was very good for Eureka this year. I got there on Thursday about 11 am to a slow steady drizzel. Funny how that works out I say drizzel and all the guys coming back from their rides later said it was raining cats & dogs. A little rain with low 50s for the temp and at 50 mph that equals a day that could have been better. At dinner all agreed it was worth it and would do it again.
Friday started around 50 and got to 65. No rain that I can remember. Muddy in a few spots, but mostly good traction and NO dust. My group did about 220 miles. Lunch was at Mt Judea. Got home around 5 pm.
Sat was a little warmer and dust had started to pick up in the afternoon. My group went south past Huntsville to Whiterock lookout. Then started heading over to Oark via Fly Gap for lunch. On the way I stopped the group to tell them about this little trail I new about. They all said sure lets do it. Its called the rock wall trail, well any way according to Troys maps it is. I figured what the hell could go wrong? I almost set a new record for spills on one eight mile trail. It is a fun trail and med difficult for most bikes. My DR 650 was a little overloaded with weight, ( me and a shit load of tools and tubes) It was wet and soggy and my 50/50 kenda 270s didn't handle it too well. 3 spills in 8 miles

All were at low to almost no speed and no damage to bike or rider.
I had fun even with my spills, David H
PS. next year the ride will be on April 12, 13,& 14
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 14 Nov 2011 20:39
by kingrider
So . . . Inquirying minds are wondering - has a date been set for the 2012 Hillbilly Ride? I don't mean to rush things I just want to be sure it's on the calendar.
Re: 2011 Eureka Springs AR. hillbilly dualsport tour
Posted: 15 Nov 2011 05:32
by david h
Dates are set for March 29 30 &31, 2012. Same motel at same price, 46$ More info to come in a few weeks.
David H