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- 21 Jan 2010 07:45
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: KTM question
- Replies: 16
- Views: 2824
Re: KTM question
Have you considered a Husky TE250 or TE310? Unlike the 250 KTM these bikes have tail and head lights on them. You could add a limited Sicass kit to them and have a smaller bike with great power and get a tag in KS as a new bike registered in KS. You would have to add a brake switch to the rear mast...
- 20 Jan 2010 09:05
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: KTM question
- Replies: 16
- Views: 2824
Re: KTM question
Relevant threads with rubber-hits-the-road experiences.
- 19 Jan 2010 13:27
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: 7pm Tuesdays: Moto Movies at Motorcycle Closeouts
- Replies: 15
- Views: 2351
Re: 7pm Tuesdays: Moto Movies at Motorcycle Closeouts
"Full Circle: Four Decades of Baja Racing", the story of Malcolm Smith and JN Roberts winning the Baja 1000 in 1967, then teaming it up to run it again in 2007 on a Husky TC510. Wow, that sounds gr...
- 19 Jan 2010 07:13
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: DAKAR - Vs. - starting Mon; 1/4/09; 230pm, 530pm
- Replies: 5
- Views: 985
Re: DAKAR - Vs. - starting Mon; 1/4/09; 230pm, 530pm
EXCELLENT PHOTOS from DAKAR! A coworker found these for me. ... _2010.html ... _2010.html
- 18 Jan 2010 22:09
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: 7pm Tuesdays: Moto Movies at Motorcycle Closeouts
- Replies: 15
- Views: 2351
7pm Tuesdays: Moto Movies at Motorcycle Closeouts
Rusty, of just posted this to the KC Dualsport Group . Sounds like fun. What to do when the weather won't cooperate? Watch Moto Movies of course! I've worked out a deal with Pizza Shoppe next door to our Smithville store. They bought a new big screen for the back m...
- 18 Jan 2010 21:01
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
- Replies: 80
- Views: 34009
Re: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
Thanks for the info and links, Mike!
I posted the few photos I took in my Picasa Web Album. With the overcast skies and fog, I did not bother to take many.
I posted the few photos I took in my Picasa Web Album. With the overcast skies and fog, I did not bother to take many.
- 18 Jan 2010 18:59
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Feb 5 & 6, 2010: Freestyle MX in Wichita
- Replies: 2
- Views: 583
Feb 5 & 6, 2010: Freestyle MX in Wichita
Gravity will be defied and the limits of reality will be pushed as the Gravity Slashers invade the INTRUST Bank Arena for two nights of intense competition on Friday, Feb. 5 and Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010. Tickets are now on sale at INTRUST Bank Arena Box Office,, all Selec...
- 17 Jan 2010 17:34
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
- Replies: 80
- Views: 34009
Re: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
I own a heated vest, but did not bring it. Stupid. Uhhhhhhhhh ... At leat lie and say it broke! Perhaps shorted out and caused sparks to fly out of your fly so you thought you ought to protect your manhood and ride with the vest unplugged! This will sound odd I know, but I really did not think I'd ...
- 16 Jan 2010 21:29
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
- Replies: 80
- Views: 34009
Re: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
Wow, I can't imagine riding at that temperature at any fast speed!! You guys must be wearing heated clothing I assume? Eddie has heated jacket and gloves. I only have heated grips. I own a heated vest, but did not bring it. Stupid. I wear a Fieldsheer suit that is very effective in keeping me warm ...
- 16 Jan 2010 04:13
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
- Replies: 80
- Views: 34009
Re: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
I can't feel my toes! :shock. Turns out wind chill is not just caused by the wind blowing. If you move 70 mph in 30 degree air, you got wind chill. Who knew?!
Most folks do seem to think we are a bit looney. You should head SOUTH in January, Eddie, not North!
Most folks do seem to think we are a bit looney. You should head SOUTH in January, Eddie, not North!
- 14 Jan 2010 10:18
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
- Replies: 80
- Views: 34009
Re: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
- 13 Jan 2010 10:48
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
- Replies: 80
- Views: 34009
Re: Winter Ride to view Bald Eagles
You talking about this week or the weekend? Weather looks good for this weekend. I may be busy on the Monday holiday, though. I assume you are thinking road ride that includes a good deal of gravel? I ask because I have a rider with a pavement-only machine who'd be interested if it was compatible. O...
- 13 Jan 2010 10:45
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Big Bend anyone?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1162
Re: Big Bend anyone?
Sounds great! Doubt I'll make it, though. 

- 11 Jan 2010 14:46
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Getting gassy
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1330
Re: Getting gassy
Sorry to hear about your gas problem. First off, I'd suggest you refrain from smoking while working on the bike. :lol: I can confirm that the DR350 petcock does not have an off position. Supposedly it is off until the engine pulls vacuum. I've not heard of them going bad, but I can tell you that the...
- 06 Jan 2010 12:43
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Jan 4, 2010: Ouachita National Forest Makes Travel Mgmt..
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1250
Re: Jan 4, 2010: Ouachita National Forest Makes Travel Mgmt..
Troy, Any suggestions for "options" as outlined by Waggoner above I definitely have some thoughts on this... First the short version: I think we should do nothing, shut up, install quiet pipes, and ride the trails we want to ride. While doing this, respect the rights of private property owners and ...
- 05 Jan 2010 13:27
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Jan 4, 2010: Ouachita National Forest Makes Travel Mgmt..
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1250
Jan 4, 2010: Ouachita National Forest Makes Travel Mgmt..
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 4, 2010 Ouachita National Forest Makes Travel Management Decision Designations to Take Effect This Spring I have attached the announcement as a PDF. As you might expect, the announcement regarding OHV use in the forest is not good news for us. For the Ouachita National ...
- 05 Jan 2010 06:23
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Newbie from KC North
- Replies: 11
- Views: 2031
Re: Newbie from KC North
RE: Old quarry trails on River Rd South of Atchison
Our own BadCompany posted this report that features a few photos of those trails.
Our own BadCompany posted this report that features a few photos of those trails.
- 05 Jan 2010 06:15
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Newbie from KC North
- Replies: 11
- Views: 2031
Re: Newbie from KC North
A closer place to ride off road is Cooper Creek ATV area at Truman Lake. It is closer at about 90 miles from downtown, KC. Perry Lake OHV area is closer to the metro. True that Truman Lake also offers a rid...
- 04 Jan 2010 17:25
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Newbie from KC North
- Replies: 11
- Views: 2031
Re: Newbie from KC North
Welcome, Joe! Legal off-road riding anywhere close to the metro?! Nothing. Closest legal, public off-road riding that I'm aware of is at Perry Lake. Too far to ride the DR350 unless you want a really long day in the saddle. (I beat the heck out of a 1999 DR350 for a couple of years of hard riding in...
- 03 Jan 2010 18:08
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Bored & Snowbound
- Replies: 43
- Views: 5641
Re: Bored & Snowbound
So I spent about an hour shoveling driveways with the neighbors. I worked up a good sweat inside my Fieldsheer riding suit--man that thing keeps your warm. I figured what better way to cool off than a nice ride around the yard--in over a foot of snow! Larger photos in my Picasa Album: http://picasaw...