Wow. That is a really tame video that most any Harley Guy would think is funny. They run a tight ship over on that BMW forum I guess.ajayhawkfan wrote:I posted that on the BMW Forum and got a light reprimand.
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- 03 Jul 2012 22:42
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Harley Guy
- Replies: 16
- Views: 3430
Re: Harley Guy
- 03 Jul 2012 17:55
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Harley Guy
- Replies: 16
- Views: 3430
Re: Harley Guy
Hilarious! I shared with a couple Harley guy co-workers.
- 03 Jul 2012 06:53
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: 1080P Offroad Camcorder Googles - $149
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1366
- 26 Jun 2012 14:34
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: My KS DMV experience.....
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2128
Re: My KS DMV experience.....
Generally, it is much easier to tag a brand new motorcycle than a used one--primarily because of the lack of inspection, and thus no chance for an ignorant safety inspector to get in the way. (I don't mean that as an insult, but literally "ignorant" of the state laws.) RE:
- 18 Jun 2012 06:52
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: June 18, 2012: RIDE TO WORK DAY
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2850
Re: June 18, 2012: RIDE TO WORK DAY
I rode to work, how about you?! (Gonna roast on the ride home!)
- 15 Jun 2012 07:19
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: June 18, 2012: RIDE TO WORK DAY
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2850
Re: June 18, 2012: RIDE TO WORK DAY
REMINDER! THIS coming Monday. Ride your motorcycle to work or you are a big, stinky, slimy piece of weasel bait.
- 14 Jun 2012 14:26
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: June 15-17
- Replies: 22
- Views: 8403
Re: June 15-17
As a reminder, I don't share motel rooms. Dude, let it go! So I misread your signals ONE TIME. Look, it was uncomfortable for me, too. I didn't want you to be offended, so I just did what I thought you wanted. If that makes me gay, then so be it. You don't have to be scared to share a hotel room fo...
- 12 Jun 2012 10:51
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Sat Jun 16: Guy & Mae's Tavern BBQ
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2435
Sat Jun 16: Guy & Mae's Tavern BBQ
The 2 wheel dudes I work with are meeting at our office this Sat morning at 10 AM to ride down to Williamsburg, KS for the world-famous ribs at Guy & Mae's. I've never been, but the hype ...
- 11 Jun 2012 07:12
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: GPS Help
- Replies: 14
- Views: 3789
Re: GPS Help
I'm going to take a stab at this. What you describe sounds to me like you loaded an auto-routing route (neither a track nor a "point for every turn" route) onto a device without a map set that supports auto-routing. When Eddie asked "What maps did you get", he did not mean what "ma...
- 07 Jun 2012 09:01
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Out of the Wild: Venezuela
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1261
Re: Out of the Wild: Venezuela
I just finished up the Alaska episodes, too. Yeah, the common denominator in both experiences comes down to food. When they found something to eat, they were doing great. When they went a couple days without food, life sucked. I just found another Discover series I'm watching on Netflix called Dual ...
- 06 Jun 2012 07:27
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Randolph June 10th
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1273
Re: Randolph June 10th
I'm out. I'm nursing a bruised spleen and cracked rib as well as the serious abdominal bruising you can imagine would go with an event that causes those injuries.
While riding my KTM 450, I played chicken with a branch sticking up off the side of the trail. The log won.

While riding my KTM 450, I played chicken with a branch sticking up off the side of the trail. The log won.
- 05 Jun 2012 09:27
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1543
Re: Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic
Thanks for posting this. First, statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. "Over 80 percent of the fatalities occur off roadway" Does this mean off-road motorcycle riding, or simply that the person was killed "off roadway". The latter seems kind of d...
- 05 Jun 2012 06:35
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Car hits 10 motorcycles, 1 dead, 9 injured
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1168
- 04 Jun 2012 13:59
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Chadwick May 28-31
- Replies: 17
- Views: 5093
Re: Chadwick May 28-31
I vote Jim to lead a Chadwick ride soon! 

- 04 Jun 2012 10:11
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Lake Michigan
- Replies: 12
- Views: 2609
Re: Lake Michigan
WHOA! Welcome home!
- 04 Jun 2012 07:18
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Out of the Wild: Venezuela
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1261
Out of the Wild: Venezuela
I rose early on Sunday, as I do every day--easily 2 or 3 hours before the rest of my family. Sat & Sun mornings are my time to enjoy a cup of coffee and watch a movie--if I'm not out riding. So this Sun, I ended up glued to the TV for about 4 hours watching all 8 episodes of the Discovery Channel's ...
- 04 Jun 2012 07:10
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Glade Top June 2nd and 3rd
- Replies: 11
- Views: 3358
Re: Glade Top June 2nd and 3rd
A friendly looking snake

Thanks for the details and photos, Chris!

Thanks for the details and photos, Chris!
- 31 May 2012 10:46
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Fifty Years of Kicks
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1210
Re: Fifty Years of Kicks
I'll be turning 70 later this year... Yuck. Who let this crusty old dude in the forum? I hope he doesn't show up on any rides because he'll just slow us down. HAHAHAHA! Chris, it's good to hear from you, and yeah, keep riding! I liked that video a lot. The message for me (at almost 41) is to get in...
- 30 May 2012 09:20
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Glade Top June 2nd and 3rd
- Replies: 11
- Views: 3358
Re: Glade Top June 2nd and 3rd
Sounds great! I won't be able to join you :( BUT, I offer a few tips anyway. Glean what you can from the ride I led down there last June. Also, report back any juicy Glade Top detail here: I'd definit...
- 30 May 2012 09:17
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Glade Top Trails
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3416
Re: Glade Top Trails
Hit the Glade Top June, 2011: