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- 18 Mar 2013 06:45
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Ripped off bike by logging chain
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1151
- 17 Mar 2013 19:58
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: 1st Annual RideForum Enduro Skills Challenge!
- Replies: 114
- Views: 67672
Re: 1st Annual RideForum Enduro Skills Challenge!
I'm in! And when I say I'm in, I mean I'd enjoy coming over and hanging out. Would it be a kid friendly day? If so, maybe I could bring my boys bike over. Anywho, sounds like a fun day. There will be lots of nudity and cocaine, so probably not family friendly. Update: just talked to Kyle, and he sa...
- 17 Mar 2013 19:56
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Topeka bound
- Replies: 21
- Views: 5141
Re: Topeka bound
We got 'er done, didn't we, Bob!Bob Morgan wrote:Done and Done!
Moved it all today, so Monday can be spent unpacking.
Add move planning and organisation to Troy's skill set list.
- 17 Mar 2013 13:04
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: 1st Annual RideForum Enduro Skills Challenge!
- Replies: 114
- Views: 67672
1st Annual RideForum Enduro Skills Challenge!
SATURDAY MAY 11 Forecasted Temperatures look Great, Rain chances look sketchy for the latter part of the week. :D 1st Annual RideForum.NET Enduro Skills Challenge :?: WHAT RideForum member kc (Kyle) lives outside Manhattan, KS on 10 acres and has built a small enduro challenge course! He invites us...
- 17 Mar 2013 10:43
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Long Distance Trip Planning
- Replies: 21
- Views: 7671
Re: Long Distance Trip Planning
I'm late to the party, and probably have nothing to add--lots of great responses. I've not been able to do any truly "long" moto-road trips. Best I've been able to do are 3 day adventures either solo or with a small group. Like birdman, I've enjoyed both the solo and group thing. Obviously if you ri...
- 16 Mar 2013 17:02
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Topeka bound
- Replies: 21
- Views: 5141
Re: Topeka bound
Could use some help after the 17th moving to the new place. My calendar for Mon, March 18 reads "Help Rick Move?" When you are ready, post up a day and time. Rick, my Google Reminder just went off to let me know it may be close to time to help you move. Are you ready to tell us a day, time, and add...
- 09 Mar 2013 11:43
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Knee Protection
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1955
Re: Knee Protection
Here is what I've been using for years, and I've been very satisfied with them. I have definitely crash-tested them about 100 times. http://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/off+road/motocross+body+armor/evs_glider+knee+pads http://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/dir/large_img.php?id=40411 I don't think any k...
Re: Stampede
Note that this ride and others are conveniently listed on our "2013 Ride Opportunities" page and includes links to the official information pages.


- 08 Mar 2013 06:25
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: 2013 Ride Opportunity Links
- Replies: 0
- Views: 10097
2013 Ride Opportunity Links
2013 rides in chronological order This is simply an index to larger group ride opportunities in 2013 here on RideForum or elsewhere. As you find ride opportunities not already in the list below, please post to this discussion, and I'll update the links in this first post to included the ride. Freem...
- 08 Mar 2013 06:08
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: 2013 Eureka hillbilly dual sport tour April 4-5-6
- Replies: 5
- Views: 7293
Re: 2013 Eureka hillbilly dual sport tour April 4-5-6
Nice to hear from you, David! The Hillbilly Dualsport is always a great event! Here is some RideForum.NET activity from years past. Usually, though, like David posted, the main discussions for this ride are over on BackroadsTouring.org. 2012: http://www.rideforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1384 2011: h...
- 07 Mar 2013 08:33
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Liability insurance
- Replies: 46
- Views: 10364
Re: Liability insurance
Hopefully sitting at home with a work-related injury!job interviewer wrote:So, Mr. Wolf, your resume shows you are qualified for the position. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- 06 Mar 2013 09:54
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: 2013 Police Motorcycle Training Class-May 11, 2013
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2110
Re: 2013 Police Motorcycle Training Class-May 11, 2013
Troy, is there a way I can download the application to this forum? Sure. Near the bottom of the form you use to post is an "attachment" section where you can upload a file to include in your post. NOTE that this is not the recommended way to share photos on RideForum. A few folks use the attachment...
- 05 Mar 2013 12:01
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Liability insurance
- Replies: 46
- Views: 10364
Re: Liability insurance
Going to $2,000,000 added $127.00 You just became a bigger target for my "injury scam". When can I come down to enjoy your land, sucker, er, Eddie? Note that I'm fairly sure you can have someone "disappeared" for about $380, so an alternative way to handle those pesky lawsuit problems. :lol: OK...s...
- 04 Mar 2013 08:27
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Liability insurance
- Replies: 46
- Views: 10364
Re: Liability insurance
Not even necessary, my friend. While my words were without a doubt too far to one side, I knew something had to be going on with you when I read your post. Sorry for your loss. Accept my apologies for not contacting you when it was clear you were upset.Hank Moody wrote:...and I hope you accept my apology.
- 04 Mar 2013 08:26
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Chadwick Sunday March 3rd
- Replies: 4
- Views: 5473
Re: Chadwick Sunday March 3rd
Chadwick eats motorcycles. ..and I love it!
- 28 Feb 2013 09:07
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Liability insurance
- Replies: 46
- Views: 10364
Re: Liability insurance
Everything I own and even my person has the potential to hurt someone or damage property. What if I take off my belt and swing it around and the buckle hits someone in the eye? I had better buy belt liability coverage. I have a chainsaw. What if I lend that to a friend and he cuts his foot off with ...
- 27 Feb 2013 15:08
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Liability insurance
- Replies: 46
- Views: 10364
Re: Liability insurance
For my Honda 230 dirt bike it costs $25 a year for liability. For the Yahama 450 ATV it is $32 a year. That is pretty cheap if I hurt someone. That is cheap, and it seems to "make sense" for peace of mind. Unfortunately, I don't get peace of mind because in the back of my mind, I seriously doubt th...
- 27 Feb 2013 14:17
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Liability insurance
- Replies: 46
- Views: 10364
Re: Liability insurance
Of course your friend is not one of the "life-sucking attorneys" I referenced earlier. He's one of the good ones I'm sure.ajayhawkfan wrote:I have a friend that is a lawyer and rides. I'm going to send him this thread.

- 27 Feb 2013 13:12
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Liability insurance
- Replies: 46
- Views: 10364
Re: Liability insurance
I was in the business for 19 years. Then you know that while the insurance companies aren't innocent angels, blame also lies with the life-sucking attorneys that have cultivated an entitlement society. (No offense to the life-sucking attorneys.) (It's OK if you preface your statement with "no offen...
- 27 Feb 2013 07:17
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Liability insurance
- Replies: 46
- Views: 10364
Re: Liability insurance
No offense to those in the insurance business, but you are scum-sucking, rancid weasel bait. I have a true hatred for the industry. I simply DO NOT TRUST that they will be there when I need it. I've heard too many stories (and have one of my own) proving that the big insurance company is NOT your fr...