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- 03 Mar 2014 12:53
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Exciting new magazine!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1619
Exciting new magazine! Learn why wearing a helmet is stupid. Learn how to remove that annoying muffler! You want to know how the pros do donuts without spilling their beer?! Quadtard Magazine is for you! I'm suppo...
- 02 Mar 2014 15:41
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Supercross Crash 450 LCQ
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1227
Re: Supercross Crash 450 LCQ
That is wild! I'm surprised a little that we haven't seen that before...does not seem too difficult to get into that predicament. I wonder how painful it was...seems like it's possible that it did not actually hurt that much....assuming that pipe did not melt his pants to his skin.
- 02 Mar 2014 15:36
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Brrrr... Now what?
- Replies: 87
- Views: 157171
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
...I can't wait until April when we'll be able to be there enjoying the trails and roads! Do you & Allisa have any plans to setup camp in AR this year for longer than a couple weeks? Some people love the desert. My pop is one of them--he finds endless beauty in the relative barrenness. My biggest d...
- 02 Mar 2014 12:25
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Brrrr... Now what?
- Replies: 87
- Views: 157171
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Sunday morning. I've downed 3 cups of coffee while cooking eggs & bacon for my house guests. Now I'm sitting here jealously reading Arkansas ride reports from guys like O'Leary and Bohawk while the snow is coming down heavy. Might be fun to get my Jeep (for sale) out to play in the snow later today....
- 27 Feb 2014 16:45
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: A nice, big-bike friendly ride
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1274
Re: A nice, big-bike friendly ride
That last bit with the 690 is what I have a little problem with. I have to remember that I only have 8 1/2" of ground clearance and not 12". Nice video. Cheers, That guy can ride that 690! You see him jump the log? In another spot he puts a foot down, wheelies the front wheel up and pivots to posit...
- 27 Feb 2014 07:18
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: A nice, big-bike friendly ride
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1274
A nice, big-bike friendly ride
Eddie is leading a big-bike friendly ride soon. Here is the video of the pre-ride so you can see what the route is like. It includes frequent stops at Starbucks to refresh.
- 23 Feb 2014 07:15
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: MISSING: Yellow Freightliner Columbia semi truck
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2154
Re: MISSING: Yellow Freightliner Columbia semi truck
Does the truck have a company name and/or other marking on it ? To my knowledge it does not have any markings on it except the DOT #. Palomino Trucking DOT # 2404057 Note that I changed the title of this post to say MISSING instead of STOLEN. Legally, the rig is not "stolen" because as far as we kn...
- 22 Feb 2014 07:41
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: MISSING: Yellow Freightliner Columbia semi truck
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2154
Re: Stolen: Yellow Freightliner Columbia semi truck
So when did Troy become a trucker? Technically, never. I purchased the rig in May 2013 and setup a driver as an Owner/Operator. My involvement was not much more than that of a bank that might finance your car. As the operation took in money, I was to get a percentage until I made my money back plus...
- 21 Feb 2014 08:03
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: MISSING: Yellow Freightliner Columbia semi truck
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2154
MISSING: Yellow Freightliner Columbia semi truck
This is a long-shot, but... If any of you happen to be riding around NW Missouri and see a yellow semi truck sitting in a field or along a road, etc, snap a photo if possible and send my way with the coordinates. A truck driver ran off with the truck June 2013. He lives in Princeton, MO, has an addr...
- 19 Feb 2014 21:40
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Need some trail help
- Replies: 14
- Views: 3375
Re: Need some trail help
Doh! Was just reminded I'm helping someone move Saturday March 1st.
I seriously might hire a mover so I can come help and play on trails. Argh.

I seriously might hire a mover so I can come help and play on trails. Argh.
- 18 Feb 2014 10:59
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Need some trail help
- Replies: 14
- Views: 3375
- 18 Feb 2014 06:52
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Rescue Pegs
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1181
Re: Rescue Pegs
RE: I think your idea of using them locally to facilitate easy 2-up dirt bike play is the only use that makes sense. They market them as "rescue pegs" with the thought that your buddy breaks down or gets hurt bad 50 miles out in the boonies. Th...
- 16 Feb 2014 19:48
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Need some trail help
- Replies: 14
- Views: 3375
Re: Need some trail help
YES!ajayhawkfan wrote:Would anyone be interest in a March trail/maintenance/build ride? Maybe make a weekend out of it?
- 09 Feb 2014 09:24
- Forum: Ride!
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4184
Cool....missed that.stimmer6253472 wrote:FYItroy wrote:I was interested in attending, but I was flying home from Mexico--got back in town last night.
The OP states March 8th. Yesterday was February 8th.

- 09 Feb 2014 07:25
- Forum: Ride!
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4184
I'm not familiar with the venue. Not sure if you are kidding or not, Rick. 8) Twin Peaks restaurants are like Hooters but kicked up a notch in most ways as I understand. Get it, "twin peaks", heh, heh, heh. In fact, their company website is blocked by the family-safe web filter I have configured at...
- 06 Feb 2014 10:39
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Brrrr... Now what?
- Replies: 87
- Views: 157171
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Eddie, I was going to let you share a motel room with me on our next adventure but not after this.
Gotta go. . Beach volleyball starting. I better finish this daquerie.
Gotta go. . Beach volleyball starting. I better finish this daquerie.
- 06 Feb 2014 07:29
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Brrrr... Now what?
- Replies: 87
- Views: 157171
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Don't feel sorry for me guys but I'm missing all the Beautiful snow while sitting on the beach here in Puerto Morelos all week. 8) Hey would one of you guys be willing to go clear the mountain of snow from behind my truck at the airport parking lot? B4 ROW 5 tan Ford f150 with KTM front plate. We la...
- 01 Feb 2014 16:31
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: try this
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1506
Re: try this
I shot this vid shot while riding 2 up with Jonny Walker--------------------- If you believe that I have some Ocean front over here in Lawrence. This guy can ride almost as good as Troy :lol: David H That guy did make it look easy. Wow. Then once he laps e...
- 29 Jan 2014 09:48
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Battery????
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2307
- 27 Jan 2014 11:57
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Back Roads in SW Mo?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1954
Re: Back Roads in SW Mo?
Another popular SW MO dualsport area is the Glade Top Trail area.