Search found 265 matches
- 18 Oct 2022 16:13
- Forum: Classifieds
- Topic: Black Widow Hitch mount bike carrier, $150.00
- Replies: 2
- Views: 501
- 20 Sep 2022 12:24
- Forum: Classifieds
- Topic: Black Widow Hitch mount bike carrier, $150.00
- Replies: 2
- Views: 501
Black Widow Hitch mount bike carrier, $150.00 Black Widow aluminum AMC-400L M/C carrier for 2" receiver with optional 6' long loading ramp, and hitch anti-sway device, 400# capacity. Used one time only to mock up on truck, the carrier never left the driveway. Still have the box ...
- 08 Dec 2021 07:33
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Florence Kansas GP, May '22.
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1791
Re: Florence Kansas GP, May '22. Here is the updated FB page to monitor the progress of the event. It appears they are going to try and schedule a dual sport ride the Saturday before the race. Pic below is of Dickie Hill from OKC who finished in the top 10 a couple times. Notice he h...
- 02 Dec 2021 09:16
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Florence Kansas GP, May '22.
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1791
Re: Florence Kansas GP, May '22.¬if_id=1638193616158448¬if_t=group_activity&ref=notif They had an org' meeting last night that appeared to have been pretty productive. The Flint Hills Enduro facebook page ...
- 23 Nov 2021 11:58
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Florence Kansas GP, May '22.
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1791
Florence Kansas GP, May '22.[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22external_search_engine%22%7D%2C%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22group_featured_unit%22%2C There has been some discussion about running the Florence GP this year to commemorate the 150th, (I believe...
- 04 Jan 2021 21:48
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: WHERE to ride off-road
- Replies: 45
- Views: 151569
Re: WHERE to ride off-road ... 9544764067
Here is the new link to what used to be Santa Fe Trail Cycle Park, (Carbondale). These people are supposed to have the place open this spring.
Here is the new link to what used to be Santa Fe Trail Cycle Park, (Carbondale). These people are supposed to have the place open this spring.
- 12 Sep 2020 15:20
- Forum: Ride!
- Replies: 14
- Views: 4766
Will there be any of this type of nefarious activity going on?
- 18 May 2020 07:59
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: 2020: Jun 5&6 | Kansas Dual Sport Safari
- Replies: 15
- Views: 6415
Re: 2020 Kansas Dual Sport Safari
Joe, I've done this ride the last two years. Last year myself, Clausen Troth and Hulsing rode with the fast guy Derek on the off road loop. It was a lot of fun and turned into a Hare Scramble as soon as we got in the woods. We didn't travel that fast on the gravel so the pingers would have no proble...
- 18 Apr 2020 09:36
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: KTM EXC 500 opinions
- Replies: 11
- Views: 4828
Re: KTM EXC 500 opinions
Thanks for that offer Luc. I'm pretty sure I'll wind up on a 500/501 or maybe a 350 some day but not ready to pull the trigger yet. Joe, I have you penciled in for September at Jeeps. This will be the 3 hr team race, (not the 6 hr Massacre in Feb, pic is from 2015). I think the big open course might...
- 05 Apr 2020 22:16
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: KTM EXC 500 opinions
- Replies: 11
- Views: 4828
Re: KTM EXC 500 opinions
Hey XR-Nut I'm doing well, hope you the family and the business is doing OK too, especially as crazy as it is right now. I'll have been retired 4 years next June. It's been good. I did a lot of research on the EXC500's and I may get one, (or an FE501) someday but I decided to let the one in KC go. I...
- 24 Mar 2020 21:54
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: KTM EXC 500 opinions
- Replies: 11
- Views: 4828
Re: KTM EXC 500 opinions
The only FI bike I have owned was a '00 Buell S3t a number of years ago. I just ran fuel stabilizer in it and let it sit thru the winter and had no problems. Can't you do that with the 500? What happens if you maybe install a petcock/shutoff valve in the fuel line and turn the gas off and run the in...
- 16 Mar 2020 09:41
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: KTM EXC 500 opinions
- Replies: 11
- Views: 4828
KTM EXC 500 opinions
OK, I am considering buying a used 500 EXC and would like some opinions on them from folks that have owned them. I currently have an '07 EXC450 that has served me well for dual sport and I'm sure would continue to do so but, this opportunity has surfaced so..... Troy, I believe you have a 500 and ha...
- 04 Mar 2019 09:52
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: KATVA Fun Run
- Replies: 0
- Views: 11316
Passing this info along for KATVA. I talked to the promoter and it appears to be a poker run of some sort with paper maps provided and all turns are arrowed so no GPS needed. After the gravel road part of the ride, you can ride the KATVA off road area. It's for a good cause to help support Austin Mo...
- 04 Oct 2018 14:39
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Standing on the Foot Pegs on the Street
- Replies: 11
- Views: 14887
Re: Standing on the Foot Pegs on the Street
" The article also states, "Having a good connection between the bike and one’s lower body can also help to leave the arms and hands relaxed for more precise control inputs." That comment written by some MSF instructor is why I believe he has little or no experience off black top. Sitting or standin...
- 18 Aug 2018 09:03
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: small bike luggage rack
- Replies: 8
- Views: 12153
Re: small bike luggage rack
I use this Giant Loop bag on my 450 when dual sporting. It holds a lot of stuff and sits a bit lower on the bike than a fender rack. It enables me to just carry my small camel back with water only keeping weight off my back. Can't remember the model of the GL but I think it was about $250 and is one...
- 04 Jun 2018 10:42
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Post pics or video from your ride today
- Replies: 440
- Views: 359312
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Here are a couple more pics of the Garnett ride, the "fast paced trail ride" was 162 miles. Started with 19 in our group and I think we finished with about twelve. A pretty good day.

- 28 Oct 2017 10:47
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Potential new rider looking for advice
- Replies: 17
- Views: 6414
Re: Potential new rider looking for advice
You might also consider a Honda XR650L. It has better suspension than the KLR650 and DR650 for any off road stuff you might do and it's a simple bullet proof bike, tons of aftermarket too. I used to DS with a guy that had one and I rode it a number of times. It was all stock except he put a small ha...
- 13 Apr 2017 08:16
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: April 22-23 FMHSC Round 4 Big Springs KS Pit/Bike Races Sat Night, Harescramble Sunday
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2150
Re: April 22-23 FMHSC Round 4 Big Springs KS Pit/Bike Races Sat Night, Harescramble Sunday
Here's a couple youtube vids of Big Springs. BS is probably one of the most fun courses around as it flows very well. It's not a difficult course but that all depends on what pace you try to carry. It's a great course to trail ride. Has a cool enduro-X section.
- 02 Mar 2017 10:54
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: 2010 KTM 450 SX-f Any known issues?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2581
Re: 2010 KTM 450 SX-f Any known issues?
I don't have any direct experience with this bike but a couple things he may want to consider. The SX bikes I believe have a different ignition curve than certainly the XCW's and possibly the XC's. This may make the bike more explosive in terms of power delivery than the XC/W bikes. The SX may also ...
- 17 Feb 2017 08:13
- Forum: Rider's Lounge
- Topic: Midwest Motorcycle Museum Tour [ M3T ]
- Replies: 9
- Views: 3380
Re: Midwest Motorcycle Museum Tour [ M3T ]
My wife and I visited the Kansas M/C Museum probably 10 - 12 years?? ago when Stan Engdahl was still alive. Stan and his wife sat right inside the front door and would give you a personal tour of the place if you asked, (you really didn't need to ask, LOL). Having Mr. Engdahl relive stories of the m...